Bree Royce

Bree Royce


Bree is an unrepentant escapist with a predilection for MMOs. When not compulsively proofreading cereal boxes and newspapers, she can be found modding, PvPing on the auction hall, and touring the Next Big Thing with her guild on a quest for the elusive perfect game.

Working As Intended and Ask Mo are her pet op-ed columns, but she also pens Daily Grinds and compiles Massively Overthinking, the Week in Review, and Make My MMO. You can hear her ramble about MMOs every week on the Massively OP podcast. If you're nice, she'll even talk about something other than Star Wars Galaxies.

Personal blog: Skycandy
Twitter: @nbrianna
Favorite MMOs: Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, Lord of the Rings Online, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Ultima Online

Destiny 2 previews expansion gear, plans PvP changes, investigates streaky RNG

Still got your eye on Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion coming out at the tail end of summer? Prepare your trigger finger too, as yesterday...

Camelot Unchained’s beta is now set to launch on July 31st

City State Entertainment's Mark Jacobs has just announced on today's studio Twitch stream that RvR MMORPG Camelot Unchained's beta one will begin next week on...

EA would like a slice of that sweet, sweet battle royale pie, please

EA is still eyeing battle royale, but maybe not the way you're thinking. During the company's quarterly investor call this week, everyone clearly had Fortnite...

Shroud of the Avatar’s 56th update is live, with a big PvP update and bug clean-up

Shroud of the Avatar's 56th release is upon us, having been pushed live successfully yesterday. A big chunk of the update is necessary but...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse covers ground races, 3.3 ships, and security checkpoints

Hey guys, log into Star Citizen, I wanna do a Death Race! Yeah, maybe that isn't the best nickname for the Scramble Race, which...

CCP has obliquely confirmed it’s working on a brand-new ‘action MMO’

Remember back in December, when the gaming world noticed that CCP's hiring page sought a lead designer to run "a new and highly ambitious...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about themed MMORPG guilds?

Kotaku did a recent piece on "girls only" Overwatch groups that got me thinking about themed guilds. (As it turned out, the writer found...
when yo crush read yo note that say lemme smash

Massively Overthinking: Random acts of MMORPG kindness

Last week, down in the comments of an innocuous post about gamers being nice in Fortnite, a couple of MOP commenters requested a column...

Blizzard and Riot attended the International Olympic Committee’s e-sports summit this past weekend

Over the last year, we've seen a ramp-up of high-level chatter about bringing e-sports to the Olympics. Last summer the co-president of the Paris Olympic...

Riders of Icarus’s Dawn of the Magician update is live with a new class and events

Guess what's up from maintenance with a hefty update today? It's Nexon's Riders of Icarus, and the patch is called Dawn of the Magician,...
No, our wholly predictable problems!

Dota 2 apes Path of Exile with transparent lockboxes for Dutch players

Remember when the Dutch gaming authorities effectively threatened to prosecute prosecute companies like Valve for vending and trading lockboxes the government agencies considered a...
Cool guys don't look at explosions.

Defiance 2050 has big plans for new classes, advancement, and endgame as it hits 1M players

Defiance 2050 isn't just launching and going away, oh no: Trion Worlds has a new producer letter up today detailing exactly how it's planning...

PUBG had a great June thanks to the Steam sale, SuperData says in its latest revenue ranking

SuperData's global revenue report for June 2018 is out, and it's actually not particularly exciting for the summer months as not that much has...

Overwatch’s Wrecking Ball is already kicking ass and taking names

When my husband logged off Overwatch last night, he put down his headset and said, "Yeah, Wrecking Ball is amazing, and I can't wait...

Black Desert finally answers the eternal MMORPG question: Who does laundry in this gameworld?

So who washes all the clothes your toons wear in MMORPGs? This is a topic that needs to be explored... in some other article....

MMORPG sandbox Fractured’s Kickstarter has just fully funded at over $130,000

Phew! A few weeks ago, I was not confident that Fractured's Kickstarter was going to make it, but it cleared its goal with just...
Beyond what, exactly?

No Man’s Sky’s concurrency is waaaaaaay up since the launch of NEXT

Can't take the sky from No Man's Sky. It's built right into the name, see. You can take the game from Green Man Gaming...

SuperData suggests Fortnite is ‘cannibalizing’ top online games as Epic’s value reaches $14B

Last week, SuperData released a thinkpiece on how Fortnite isn't necessarily destroying the rest of the gaming industry, but hold up because this week...
Balance that mine.

Path of Exile is plotting massive improvements to party play, including teleporting and downleveling

It's been a hot minute since we checked in with Path of Exile, which has already had a pretty busy summer, what with the...

Bless Online’s new video series discusses new staff and PvP balance after server merges

If you hate video updates, you're probably not going to love Bless Online's new plan for reaching the community, but at least this one's...