Chris Neal

Wolfy is totally a pink wolf and not someone who just adores his avatar so much that he's lost touch with reality. He's been playing games since the days of Atari 2600 and when PCs had to be booted up in a specific sequence. He can be found in a variety of different MMOs and multiplayer games, including Final Fantasy XIV, Dauntless, Black Desert, and many others.

No Man’s Sky launches significant quality-of-life improvements and new features in tomorrow’s Synthesis update

Where the Beyond update in No Man's Sky changed the game, the upcoming Synthesis update will refine it. This new large-scale update for the...

Nexon will bring mobile MMORPG Project V4 to PC players in Korea this December

Good news for Korean MMORPG fans: There's going to be another game to play from off of the mobile small screen to the PC...

Choose My Adventure: Pushing boundaries and building a better house in Citadel Forged with Fire

As we come to the close of our Citadel: Forged with Fire adventure, we decided to push the absolute limits of how far we...

A teenage CS:GO player has developed an AI that has successfully found 14,000 cheaters

While cheaters may never prosper, they also have a tendency to proliferate if not kept in check (and even sometimes when companies do try...

RuneScape lets players rear dinos, Old School RuneScape beta tests the Nightmare of Ashihama

Whether you want to raise dinos or take on horrifying nightmare monsters, both RuneScape and Old School RuneScape have you covered respectively with some...

Fallout 76 players have found a way to kill pacifists via radiation poisoning

Who would have ever thought that granting players in a sandbox game access to nuclear weaponry would be used irresponsibly? Certainly not Bethesda, which...
Sure. Fine. Great. Superb.

Wild Terra 2 shows off 25 minutes of pre-alpha gameplay footage

It's often better to show and not tell, and the folks at Juvty Worlds have a whole lot to show regarding Wild Terra 2,...

Grim Dawn’s massive update adds a roguelike dungeon and over 6000 item changes

The newest update to Grim Dawn is being touted in the changelog as the largest the game has ever seen, and with tweaks to...

Survival shooter DEATHGARDEN announces its shutdown and goes free-to-play in the meantime

All things must die. It is the way of nature and underperforming multiplayer shooters. So it is with DEATHGARDEN, the multiplayer survival shooter/battle royale...

Ashes of Creation highlights work on castle sieges in its latest devstream

Yes, castle siege mode in Ashes of Creation is still coming. The first half of the latest livestream from the Intrepid Studios devs was...

Job postings point to an incoming Unreal Engine upgrade for Lineage II

Hey, you know what the MMORPG world needs? Another version of Lineage II! This one, however, doesn't appear to be another wholesale mobile version...

ArcheAge discusses the ArchePass’ return, the Library shutdown, and goldseller bans in its latest devstream

Last Friday's livestream from the folks at ArcheAge seemed to be a bit of a mish-mash of various topics, but there are at...

Fans hold a solemn memorial of Brad ‘Aradune’ McQuaid during a livestream

The death of developer Brad McQuaid is still being acutely felt by many in the MMO gaming community, and no more is that apparent...

The Stream Team: Living out the Pumpkin Days (and nights, too)

It took some time and a winding road for it to happen, but Pumpkin Online has released in early access as a not-so-massively farming/dating...

Sales of the Carrack exploration ship appear to create a funding spike for Star Citizen

It's perhaps no surprise that this year's CitizenCon would cause a quick jump in Star Citizen funding, but it would seem that the presentation...

Multiplayer farming/dating sim Pumpkin Online releases as Pumpkin Days on Steam Early Access

Show of hands, who here remembers Pumpkin Online? It was announced on Kickstarter as a multiplayer farming/dating sim, but would later decide to switch...

The Elder Scrolls Online chimes in with another Activity Finder update

Yep, the Activity Finder in The Elder Scrolls Online is still busted. Yep, the devs are still working on it. That's effectively the brass...

Square Enix has begun issuing bans to Final Fantasy XIV dataminers

How do you feel about dataminers? If you're within the Final Fantasy XIV community, you likely know that datamining is against the terms of...

Star Trek Online’s Mudd’s Market pricing ignites a community firestorm

It sounds like a good idea on paper: a new section of the cash shop in Star Trek Online that offers items that haven't...
ships asplode

Dual Universe shows off a community race from the Earth to the moon and back

The thing that keeps me intrigued about sandboxes is the fact that the community can come together to create its own events, and one...