Justin Olivetti

Justin Olivetti

Senior Reporter

A casual gamer and long-time MMO fan, Justin is often heard yelling, "Player housing for all!" in the Massively Overpowered offices. In addition to news, he tackles LOTRO Legendarium for LOTRO, The Perfect Ten, Jukebox Heroes, the retrospective Game Archaeologist series, One Shots, and the Massively OP podcast.

Personal blog: BioBreak
Twitter: @sypster

Emotica Online harnesses the awesome power of emoji

We remember back when emoticons were the only symbols needed to convey basic human emotions and tones in text chat. Of course, now emoticons...

HEX prepares for July’s Armies of Myth card set

HEX is about to get a whole lot bigger. The MMO/card game hybrid is getting ready to release its third set to players on...

Check out Lord of the Rings Online’s new PvP map

After eight years of being confined to a single zone, Lord of the Rings Online's PvP population will soon get a new map upon...

Guild Wars 2 invites players to design emblems for guild halls

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns' upcoming guild halls will undoubtedly serve as a focal point for community interaction and shared efforts. Before they...

Did Hi-Rez just tease Global Agenda 2?

Could this be the first glimpse of Global Agenda 2? During a recent charity livestream, Hi-Rez Studios dropped a minute-long teaser of its team playing...

One Shots: Gazing at potential

Major props to reader John, who somehow managed to finagle screenshots from his PlayStation 4 to bring us this stunning Destiny vista. Back when...

Trove on graduating Beta University and heading into the real world

The stages of pre-launch development always conjure some measure of protection for a fledgling video game. It may be rough, but that's OK, it's...

Nexus Telegraph: Why I play WildStar

Back on the old Massively-That-Was, we used to feature a sporadic series called "Why I Play." The idea was for each of the writers...

The Daily Grind: Is SWTOR 2.0 a good move by BioWare?

I'm not going to lie to you: I'm almost equally divided between excitement and nervousness for Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the...

Gloria Victis delivers whopper of an alpha update

It may just be one of Gloria Victis' biggest updates yet. The pre-alpha fantasy sandbox patched in several new and improved systems to the game,...

WildStar begins Chinese beta this August

As WildStar is preparing to make the grand transition to free-to-play in the west this summer, it's simultaneously making in-roads into Asia with an...

Wargaming attempts to resolve World of Warships’ Humble Bundle debacle

Let us tell you a story. The story begins with the recent E3 Humble Bundle, through which Wargaming handed out not only access to World...

World of Tanks partners with Google for VR tank tours

World of Tanks players are quite familiar with their heavy armor -- but what would it feel like to actually be inside those terrifying...

Tree of Savior gets a huge English FAQ

Got a lot of questions about Tree of Savior? We bet you do, you curious kitten you. Well now it's time to get them...

City of Titans development finally ‘on track’

"The shadow of doubt has passed, and the state of the game is strong," City of Titans President Nathaniel Downes trumpets in his newest...

Guild Wars 2 takes you behind the scenes of New Lion’s Arch

Now that you've had a day or two to properly ooh and ahh over the reconstructed New Lion's Arch in Guild Wars 2 like...

Marvel Heroes’ Big 10 event returns with free Iron Man team-up

Marvel Heroes' second anniversary month is going out with a bang. After three weeks of cow invasions, free heroes, and escalating XP bonuses, Gazillion...

Skyforge implores you to win back the Eskenian Peninsula

Even as Skyforge winds down its final closed beta test, Allods Team still has more of the game to show off to fans. Today's dev...

Perfect Ten: Weirdly specific quests we keep encountering in MMOs

You know how you wince whenever you think of typing /played into your MMO and realize just how many hours you've given to a...

Exclusive: Broadsword on the state of Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot

Today we're hanging out with Broadsword Online Games, the indie studio that emerged from the implosion of Mythic Entertainment a while back. Broadsword is...