Alphas & Betas

MMOs in various stages of testing and crowdfunding, playable and… not. Don’t forget to follow our Betawatch and Make My MMO columns for a weekly rundown. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Gamescom 2015: Guild Wars 2 confirms 2015 expansion launch

If you were worried that perhaps Guild Wars 2 was being a little too pokey with its Heart of Thorns testing and reveals, then...

Civilization Online sums up its beta with a highlight trailer

Civilization Online's oddball building-sim-plus-PvP gameplay is highlighted in a new trailer that serves as a bookend for the Korean closed beta test. XLGAMES has...

Gamescom 2015: Sword Coast Legends delayed to September 29th

Fans of Sword Coast Legends are going to have to swallow a little bad news, as Wizards of the Coast announced at Gamescom today...

Tree of Savior starts limited English closed beta testing

Many gamers are trying to get a handle on what Tree of Savior will offer, an issue that's slightly compounded by the fact that...
All this and more dinosaurs besides.

Gamescom 2015: ARK gets a brief new trailer

ARK: Survival Evolved got a new trailer at this week's Gamescom. It's super short, but it also manages to capture just about all that's awesome...
This is a cow song.

Project Gorgon unveils musical stretch goals

The Project Gorgon Kickstarter is humming along nicely this time around, and the developers have already passed the $25,000 stretch goal. So what's next...
Storming of the hero.

Gamescom 2015: Blizzard shows off new heroes and maps for Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm players are going to have quite a bit to look forward to in the near future. The game's newest map,...

WildStar starts testing free-to-play patch

WildStar's free-to-play transition is just around the corner, as testing commenced today on the fall patch. The public test realm update includes the new...

The Stream Team: Seeking the secrets of shapeshifting in Project Gorgon

MassivelyOP's MJ took her first steps in Project Gorgon yesterday at the request of Patreon donor Linaea, exploring the tutorial cave, picking up spoons,...
But animated for real, like.

Crowfall shows off the Confessor in action

We've been told quite a bit about Crowfall's Confessor, but words on a page don't really give a sense for what it will look...
The road is through those guys, so...

Albion Online puts forth its roadmap to closed beta

Albion Online's development team isn't just sitting back and basking in the afterglow of a successful summer alpha test. There's a closed beta on...
Well, good hustle.

Camelot Unchained newsletter discusses combat philosophy and developer status

The Camelot Unchained test phases had to be delayed, and that means that the latest newsletter for the game is in an odd place,...

Children of Ur knocks out Alpha 1.1 update

Children of Ur, one of two main Glitch revival spin-offs, hit another milestone recently with its alpha 1.1 update. With the new patch for the browser-based...
Mead mead mead mead mead mead.

EverQuest Next challenges players to design buildings for Halas

One of the cooler parts of the EverQuest Next development process is that it's not happening behind closed doors; players have already had the...

Project Gorgon might not wipe before launch, adds Dwarf stretch goal

Big things are afoot for the Project Gorgon Kickstarter. The campaign, which passed its $20,000 crowdfunding goal this past Friday, put up two new...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: August 1, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Project Gorgon met its Kickstarter goal with over 23 days to spare. The fantasy sandpark benefited from some...

Borderlands Online promises three-month patch cycle

One of the nice things about being an MMO successor to a hit series of shooter titles is that you can draw from and...

Worlds Adrift team shows off gliders, cameras, and more

Bossa Studios has published a new Worlds Adrift video focused on some additional gameplay features cooked up during a recent jam session. The new stuff...

The Stream Team: Cave-diving in ARK: Survival Evolved

Dangers in ARK: Survival Evolved are not confined to the surface -- there's plenty to die to underground as well! MassivelyOP's MJ has only...
I'm sure someone cares.

Betawatch: July 31st, 2015

I'm not going to pretend to fully understand why people are super excited about Tree of Savior, but I'm still very happy that the...