
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: What your MMO character type says about you

Every MMO has character classes. Every single one. You might rail against this by pointing out that there are several games out there with...
Light it up.

The Daily Grind: Who’s your oldest MMO character who still gets played?

My original two characters in World of Warcraft are no longer around; one of them was deleted and the other is never to be...

Hyperspace Beacon: Truly immersing yourself in Star Wars: The Old Republic

I have long been a proponent of roleplaying in MMOs. I’ve often been the roleplayer’s spokesperson on different podcasts and new media broadcasts. I’ve...

First impressions of TERA’s Secrets & Shadows update and flying mounts

It's no secret: TERA's Secrets & Shadows update arrives this month! And many players are eagerly anticipating diving in to experience these changes for...
Book 'em

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV could use some Merit Points

The cross-class system in Final Fantasy XIV is not good. It functions, yes, but the mixing and matching of abilities from other classes is...

Guild Chat: How to reacclimate when coming back to EVE Online

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the space in which I get together with the MOP commenters to help a reader in need...

The Game Archaeologist: Myst Online Uru Live

The impact of Myst's launch in 1993 was akin to an atomic bomb going off in the PC gaming world. The leap forward in graphical...
It's a real laugh.

Betawatch: Chronicles of Elyria racks up the funding (May 6, 2016)

On May 3rd, Chronicles of Elyria started its Kickstarter campaign. On May 4th, the developers were already hitting significant funding milestones. On May 6th,...

WoW Factor: Content gaps, polish, and the Legion release date

The past few weeks have been pretty well packed, both in a personal and in a professional sense, so it's easy to sort of...

EverQuesting: The gaffe of gating EverQuest II’s content behind a sub

With last week's release of GU100 in EverQuest II, an interesting conversation reared its head again -- a not necessarily flattering one for Daybreak. While...

Perfect Ten: The final minutes of beloved MMORPGs

"This is how the world ends," T S Eliot wrote in his famous poem, "not with a bang, but with a whimper." That might well...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Weighing in on the Guild Wars 2 WvW poll

The first WvW poll is about to close and the votes have been flying in during the last few days, driving home that Guild Wars...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s heist-themed ‘Profit and Plunder’ chapter stole the show, literally

I believe there is only one word to describe Chapter 13 for Knights of the Fallen Empire: cute. For the six chapters prior to...

Jukebox Heroes: City of Heroes’ soundtrack

In the history of MMORPGs, City of Heroes might well go down as having one of the most passionate communities in the genre. People didn't...
Originals of the species.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s first patch 3.3 live letter

I don't know why, but I was kind of surprised by the sheer volume of discussion about Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.3 in the...

EVE Evolved: Fixing EVE’s New Player Experience (again)

It's become almost a running joke in the comments of articles that EVE Online is a great game to read about but not nearly...

Global Chat: What can MMORPG devs do to foster community?

One of the neat aspects of the MMO blogosphere is how writers will often interact and collaborate with each other. Recently, four bloggers ganged...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: Ten City of Heroes systems every MMO should have stolen by now

Today, City of Heroes turns 12 years old. Except it doesn't; the game shut down three years ago, it never lived until it reached twelve,...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World survival game

I've been thinking. (A dangerous pastime, I know!) And I think I have come up with a solution to a number of the things...

Tamriel Infinium: The Dark Brotherhood of Elder Scrolls Online

If any of you played the Dark Brotherhood quest in Skyrim, you likely thought very little of the Black Sacrament being performed by the...