Tamriel Infinium: A guide to Elder Scrolls Online’s combat basics
I was looking back through some of my posts about the Elder Scrolls Online, and I noticed that I've mentioned combat quite a bit....
Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s cross-class actions
This past week, I did what I needed to do before Final Fantasy XIV's expansion Heavensward launches: I finished the main scenario questline on...
MMO Mechanics: Three favourite action combat systems
Virtually every MMO contains dangerous places that are filled with other players or NPCs that will attack characters on site, and many also feature...
The Daily Grind: Have you bought real-world memorabilia for an MMO?
I don't think it's going to surprise anyone that I'm a pretty big fan of Final Fantasy XIV. Despite that fact, it may surprise...
Make My MMO: May 9, 2015
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we learned everything we ever wanted to know about Star Citizen's first person shooter module, plus a bit more....
LOTRO Legendarium: The return of the dungeon
While I've been playing Lord of the Rings Online as one of my main MMOs for almost a decade now, it's primarily been for...
WRUP: Chroma Squad is a thing of joy edition
If you had told me when I was 17 that I wanted to play a pixelated turn-based strategy game in which I got to...
Betawatch: May 8th, 2015
This week, Landmark was consumed in a fiery explosion, by which we of course mean that it had a big old wipe. But it's...
An aircraft spotter’s guide to GTA Online, part deux
I was going to talk about the best GTA V mods this week, but then I realized how bad an idea that was on...
Massively Overthinking: The return of ‘consequences’ to MMOs
This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from Kickstarter donor Antonia "Toni" Phillips aka ToniLyran, who's hit on a sore point with our writers, it...
Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs still going after ten years
It struck me, very recently, that a decade is a long time for MMOs.
If we're going to count Ultima Online as the first proper...
Chaos Theory: Reaping the Whirlwind in The Secret World’s Issue #11
To spoil or not to spoil; that is the question. When it comes to The Secret World, that's a very serious question indeed! As much...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s beta drop RNG
Never before have I seen Guild Wars 2's Dry Top and the Silverwastes hive with such activity as we've seen this week. In case...
Global Chat: What happens to original MMOs when they get sequels?
Telwyn at GamingSF asks a question that I've contemplated from time to time: When an MMO gets a sequel, what happens to the original...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s 12x XP leveling guide and Ziost’s finale
Happy Revenge of the Fifth! Because this column comes out on Tuesday, I'm a wee bit behind on wishing you a happy Star Wars...
Wisdom of Nym: Benchmarks and lore for Final Fantasy XIV
Maybe it's just me, but with the steady drip of information that we've gotten about Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion, I find myself sometimes...
EVE Evolved: Seven years of EVE Evolved
When I started writing about EVE Online for Massively back in 2008, the MMO genre was really hitting its stride, and emerging sites like...
Make My MMO: May 2, 2015
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Pathfinder Online made some noise about the future of its settlements feature. Goblinworks CEO Ryan Dancey also made...
The Game Archaeologist: AOL’s Neverwinter Nights
Here's a question for you: How much do you really, really have to love a game to pay $6 to $8 an hour to...
WRUP: Throw hams at hyenas edition
Folks, do you find yourself with too much ham in your house? If not, go buy some ham, then throw it at some vicious...