
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

That's a big oops.

Fallout 76 shows off its upcoming Vault 94 raid

It's hard to know how to feel about the preview of Fallout 76's upcoming raid on Vault 94 as a long-time MMO player. The...

Here’s how Discord says it’s been addressing toxicity and spam

It's nearly impossible to be a gamer in 2019 and not be at least familiar with Discord, the ubiquitous chat program that's replaced, in...

The Daily Grind: How much should an MMO’s source material restrict player customization?

MOP reader Tanek recently pointed us to a thread on Lord of the Rings Online forums where players have been debating the merits of...

Albion Online removes tons of items from its marketplace in advance of its wardrobe system

The latest patch for Albion Online is a bit frustrating in the sense that most patches add things. Today's patch is mostly taking things...
Similar to teamwork.

Black Desert Online recaps its PlayStation 4 beta issues and performance

The beta testing for Black Desert Online on PlayStation 4 has come to an end for now, but there is in fact a nice...

Guild Wars 2 players raise eyebrows over new cash shop sword similar to one found in Gamigo MMO RIFT

Guild Wars 2 dropped a new cosmetic sword in the cash shop this week that's caused a ripple of fuss on the forums and...
Very mature.

WoW Classic’s PvP server community is already at war over streamers

Browsing the subreddit for World of Warcraft: Classic will pretty quickly reveal something about the community as it exists now. Specifically, a lot of...

Fight or Kite: Guild Wars 2’s best PvP mode isn’t what you think it is – it’s minigames

One could certainly argue that Guild Wars 2’s primary focus is that of a PvE, story driven game. Hell, I’d make that argument. Yet,...
Also, kind of Blue Mage, but that's not happening so stop asking.

Vague Patch Notes: Lazy MMO developers don’t exist (at least not the way you’re thinking)

The other night, I was reading the Final Fantasy XIV subreddit and came across that gem of all gems for people who love badly...

Uproar over a reskinned Fortnite pet that costs 1000 V-bucks causes Epic to issue refunds

This is where we're at now: companies attempting to sell barely reskinned content at a higher cost and people getting mad at a digital...

The Daily Grind: What’s the MMO with the biggest anti-fandom?

When an MMO gets big enough, you get its anti-fandom. This is not the same as people who don't particularly like a game; some...
Everyone hates options.

Perfect World Mobile reveals its lineup of launch races and their associated classes

Did you forget about Perfect World Mobile? Because it's still coming for us, and the mobile version has just revealed its lineup of races...
Sure. That sounds right.

Diablo III is going to do more themed seasons and more short test sessions moving forward

If you weren't a fan of Diablo III going the themed season route with its last update, we're sorry to inform you that you...
Don't stand so.

WildStar composer Jeff Kurtenacker’s second Q&A talks unfinished music, the end of OST sales, and NCsoft

The always generous and lovely Jeff Kurtenacker, composer of WildStar's outstanding score, has uploaded the second episode of his JK Q&A series of videos...
If you look to your left, you will see a sad person.

Still on the fence about WoW Classic? There’s one more beta between now and launch

If you're still anxious to tinker in WoW Classic ahead of the launch, Blizzard's opened one more opportunity for you - and it doesn't...
Pay to lose.

Perfect Ten: Creating the worst MMO ever

Here at Massively Overpowered, we learn about some games, folks. We learn a whole lot about a whole lot of games! We know MMOs....

Apex Legends launches the Iron Crown event and provokes riot over monetization

So there's a limited-time event going on in Apex Legends right now, which normally would be a cause of generally happy reactions. However, the...
I see.

No Man’s Sky heads into Beyond today

The latest update to No Man's Sky is at once the sort of thing that feels more isolating and less so. You can imagine,...
fa la la la la la ~

Overwatch’s latest patch adds Sigma and a (briefly bugged) role queue

Another Overwatch patch has arrived, bringing with it a brand-new hero for players to fling at enemy teams. Or, perhaps more accurately, fling things...

The Daily Grind: Do you use randomizers to help make MMO toons?

The other day we posted about how Ship of Heroes is going to include a randomizer in its character creator, which pleased me. I...