
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

A trial.

Watch a documentary on the creation and destruction of Final Fantasy XIV

The end of Final Fantasy XIV came quite some time ago, but the game is still going. That's because the launch of the game's...
dress out.

Marvel Heroes is removing a la carte costumes and making lockboxes easier to get on consoles

If you're playing Marvel Heroes on console and were hoping for a change in how the game handles lockboxes and individual costumes, the good...

The Daily Grind: Do you appreciate timed content in MMOs?

The last thing you want to worry about when you're playing a video game, especially an immersive one like an MMORPG, is a damn...

Diablo III previews the lore of the Necromancer and new patch 2.6 areas

You may well not need the lore behind Diablo III's Necromancer to enjoy the class. All you need to know is that it's a...

Naruto Online is the one MMO where players beg for merges

According to a press release from Oasis Games, the studio is in the middle of ongoing English-language server merges for Bandai-licensed Naruto Online. The...

Rockstar and Take-Two back down (a little) on Grand Theft Auto modding policies

Early this month, the Grand Theft Auto V/Online community suffered the shutdown of OpenIV, a modding tool that's served the series' community for almost 10...
Wow, this open-pvp gankbox has a dearth of players? This is my shocked face.

The Exiled is back on track after disappointing launch

So how are things going for The Exiled? The developers had been quiet for a while, and that's rarely the sign of good news....

EVE Evolved: How much trust is too much in EVE Online?

Of all the headlines to come out of EVE Online over the years, the biggest and most far-reaching have been the stories of massive thefts...

Leaderboard: Do you play Star Wars Galaxies’ emulator?

Welp, here we are: Star Wars Galaxies would be turning 14 years old today, had it been allowed to live. SWG is much beloved around...
Riders on the icarus.

Riders of Icarus offers players the chance to pre-create a new Trickster

The next class for Riders of Icarus is arriving with the launch of the Rise of the Trickster update, the appropriately named Trickster class....
Oh dear.

World of Warcraft’s class design AMA examines the how and why of tuning changes

No matter what class you play in World of Warcraft, you're probably certain that the developers hate your class in particular and love some...

Watch Secret World Legends’ official launch trailer

If you're a The Secret World fan who hadn't already given Secret Worlds Legends a shot -- and given this weekend's exploits and downtime, we wouldn't blame...

Secret World Legends bans weekend currency exploiters

Yesterday's Secret World Legends downtime turns out to have been a serious one indeed. Players began noticing that the price of Aurum on the...

Cloud Imperium rejects wild claim that Star Citizen is ‘owned by a bank’

The Star Citizen subreddit is aflame this weekend after bloggers on multiple sites and social media platforms, seemingly spurred on by a certain self-proclaimed...

E3 2017: Preta Vendetta Rising is multiplayer VR in the right direction

I have a love-hate relationship with VR. I've bought an Oculus Rift and the Touch, but don't play it much these days. Part of...
Someone called us? Something about some duty?

Call of Duty: WW2 will feature a shared social space

Everything about Call of Duty: WW2 seems like it's going to be peak Call of Duty, doesn't it? It's World War 2, which is...

One Shots: En garde!

It's hard to deny that one of Final Fantasy XIV's newest classes marries style and substance, particularly if you're into a certain swashbuckling aesthetic. Skoryy...

The Daily Grind: How should studios handle overpopulated servers in MMOs?

It doesn't matter how many servers you have for your MMO, some of them are just going to be more popular than others. That's...

Massively Overthinking: Forced socializing in MMORPGs

Massively OP Patron Jackybah has a question for this week's Massively Overthinking that's probably going to kick up some dust. He wonders whether MMO...

PSA: How to play or restore your original Secret World install

Anyone who tried to log into his or her Secret World client after the launch of the reboot yesterday found that Secret World Legends client...