
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: Are you biased against eastern MMOs?

In keeping loose tabs on responses to various games in the comments section here on Massively OP, I do see some remarks that seem...
So. Bye?

Heroes of the Storm highlights Varian Wrynn and his multiple specs

King Varian Wrynn in Heroes of the Storm is a Warrior. Not just in the MOBA-specific terminology, either; he's a Warrior in the classic...

NCsoft appears to be blocking former Soviet states from WildStar

Reports this morning that players in various former Soviet countries, among others, had been unceremoniously barred from accessing NCsoft MMORPGs WildStar and Guild Wars...
Not paying attention is not a mark of honor.

Defiance plans for the New Frontier Harvest event

Every other MMO with a Thanksgiving event can pack it in because Defiance has clearly won the arms race. Literally, in fact: The game...
We continue on, in perpetuity, unaffected by time. When the world is cold and dead and the sun is naught but an ember, we shalle remain. And we will sell you card packs.

Hearthstone previews the machinations of the Kabal

What happens in Azeroth when a spellcaster goes too far? Obviously, said spellcaster has to turn around and try to make the right turn...
Well, points for effort.

League of Legends pro teams agitate for better compensation

Last week, the owners of a number of North American and European League of Legends Championship Series teams dispatched a letter to Riot Games...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Five reasons to buy Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns while it’s on sale

Ever since Guild Wars 2's first expansion released, retired players or MMO hoppers have been insisting in comments across the internet that they would only...
Cash shops make doggie sad

Elder Scrolls Online plans sales and free-play weekend for PC and PS4 players

If you've been curious about The Elder Scrolls Online but didn't want to take the plunge with the box fee, good news for you,...
Warp Restraining Orders

Atlas Reactor shows off Kaigin the Warpstalker

The newest character in Atlas Reactor, Kaigin, does not respect the personal space of warp. He's sneaking through warp's closets and taking compromising photos...

AdventureQuest 3D plans major November content update

Now that AdventureQuest 3D has survived the days of testing, it can enter into the next perpetual phase of MMO development, also known as...
Why must you disappoint hopes?

Wisdom of Nym: At the end of the world for Final Fantasy XIV

It's kind of weird to think about the fact that we just passed the four-year anniversary of the end of an era in Final...
Back to the same.

Diablo III’s anniversary patch is available for testing

Looking forward to making Diablo III feel like the original Diablo for just a little while? The game's most recent patch has hit the...

One Shots: A lovely holiday

If you were a dragon, what kind of dragon would you be? Perhaps you'd go traditional, with the whole "giant world-devourer" aspect. Maybe you'd...
A trial.

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you see yourself playing in half a year?

The future is an undiscovered country. We can make guesses and predictions, but we never know just how things are going to shake out....

Camelot Unchained on hiring, graphics, and this weekend’s playtest

Hiring is going well for Camelot Unchained, City State tells players in a new dev post this weekend. "We are now up to six people...
You were hoping for a picture of Tgek'dmal, I know.

WRUP: Excerpt from my NaNoWriMo novel ‘Claude Mayonnaise, Serial Laundry Defiler’ edition

The city was a dark place, dark like the attitude I put forth in hopes of impressing people. The name's Claude Mayonnaise, because my...

The Daily Grind: Are companions useful storytelling aids in MMOs?

As of late, I have been adventuring through RIFT's Planetouched Wilds zone and having an absolute ball with my journeys. Part of the reason...
fite me

EverQuest II previews the raids of Kunark Ascending

Are you ready for the shock of the year? Here it is: There will be raids in EverQuest II: Kunark Ascending. We'll let you...
Everything is fine.

Riders of Icarus plans adjustments for Legendary dungeons

How do you feel about the Legendary dungeons in Riders of Icarus? Do you feel that they're tuned to just the right difficulty and...

Working As Intended: Westworld is a sandbox MMORPG on your TV

Westworld has emerged this fall as the geek obsession TV show, a gunslinger's LOST about which people can't stop talking and theorizing and debating....