
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Dragon’s Prophet has shut down

It's always sad when a game shuts down. Dragon's Prophet never managed to quite find its audience in the American marketplace, and it has...
We had a bet running that it would take longer.

Guild Wars 2’s introduction of raids is followed shortly by the introduction of raid drama

Guild Wars 2 introduced the first wing of its new raids to players yesterday. To make these new raids as good as they could...

The Daily Grind: What’s your preferred style of MMO combat?

A passionate WildStar discussion-slash-debate in my guild the other day on the subject of MMO combat styles had us all taking sides on what was...

Global Chat: Gearing up in WildStar

If you're anything like me, when you get to the max level in a game, there's a general flailing of hands and a feeling...
when yo crew be on point an erryone be stylin

The Elder Scrolls Online opens up Orsinium on consoles

It's been a long two weeks for console players of The Elder Scrolls Online, what with the Orsinium DLC having already launched for PC...

Hyperspace Beacon: The confused state of the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic

I don’t write a lot about the Star Wars: The Old Republic roleplay community because I don’t usually like it to be known who...
Now if it were UnderTALE you might have something.

Neverwinter’s Underdark is available now, Astral Diamond economy is being examined

As of today, Neverwinter players are going underground. Not in the sense that they're becoming very obscure, but in the sense that the Underdark...
It's coincidence that the last three expansions have spoken to the exact same vanishingly small portion of the playerbase.

World of Warcraft celebrates 11 years of operation

Whether your opinions on World of Warcraft are positive or negative, you can't deny that reaching 11 years of operation is quite the accomplishment....
I want to like you a lot.

Blade & Soul dedicates a week to highlighting the Force Master

The combat in Blade & Soul centers around mixing it up with martial arts, but the Force Master is the class that recognizes how...
Darn it, if you had just kept her hair brown...

Crowfall posts demographic results from backer survey

Who the heck is funding Crowfall? The game is obviously funded, but who is spending money on it? Is it you? The results of...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has surprised you with its existence?

Last week's news about Sphere 3: The Enchanted World's open beta caught me by surprise. As I mentioned in that post, I thought that I...

One Shots: Slice ‘n’ dice

New expansions across the MMO sphere are prompting many of us to take up a part-time job as in-game photographers. And why not? Eye...
I want a new... arsenal.

The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs contrary to their design?

If you play Final Fantasy XIV, you know that it is not a game that rewards players for playing multiple characters. Quite the opposite, in...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

WRUP: Congratulations to Justin edition

In addition to the work that he does for this site, his other daily work, and his position as Jack Black's stunt double on...

The Daily Grind: Would you want to play Fallout Online?

With Fallout 4's release this week, plenty of gamers have gone back into the wasteland with savage glee. I will be among that throng,...

Leaderboard: What’s your favorite LOTRO class?

Yesterday I asked about your favorite zone in Lord of the Rings Online, but today I'd like to narrow the choices a bit and...
Can we donate to some sort of pants charity?

Have fun in TERA’s bonus weekend: Your generosity made it happen

En Masse Entertainment, the company behind TERA, took part in the Extra Life charity drive this year and wound up raising nearly $10,000 total....
I'm not sure which set of CGI looks better. That's not good.

Compare and contrast the Warcraft movie trailer to the same areas in World of Warcraft

The landscapes of the upcoming Warcraft movie are not unfamiliar to veterans of World of Warcraft. Heck, they're not even unfamiliar to dabblers within...

Why I keep returning to Lord of the Rings Online

I got sucked into Lord of the Rings Online last weekend and I'm not sure why. There's no new Hobbit movie forthcoming (thank funk). I haven't...
Bet on it.

WoW Factor: In the wake of BlizzCon’s Legion content

Well, folks, we're officially living in a post-BlizzCon world. Until the next one. The point is, we're done with that convention, and all that's...