
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: Which MMO biomes do you love and hate?

Environment is super-important to me, both in real life and in video games. My surroundings have a large impact on my mood, with my...

Jukebox Heroes: Mists of Pandaria’s soundtrack

I've always had mixed feelings about Western games putting out Asian-themed expansions and conjuring up a soundtrack to match. On one hand, we already...

Dota 2 honors Terry Pratchett in upcoming patch

Dota 2's community has discovered a tribute to the late Terry Pratchett in today's the upcoming 6.84 patch, now on the PTR. It takes the...

Guild Wars recalls what a long, strange trip it’s been

As you might have already been aware, today is the original Guild Wars' 10th anniversary. To mark the occasion, Community Manager Gaile Gray wrote...

The Soapbox: Making your own fun in MMORPGs

This guest Soapbox was commissioned through Massively Overpowered's Kickstarter campaign and is authored by Chris "Warcabbit" Hare, a developer at Missing Worlds Media. The opinions here...

Dark Age of Camelot welcomes traveling merchants, prepares next patch

If the latest Dark Age of Camelot newsletter is any indication, the team and community are crazy involved with this classic RvR MMO. Broadsword...

Koster’s final post-mortem: Did Star Wars Galaxies fail?

Raph Koster has wrapped up his Star Wars Galaxies retrospective with a blog post that asks whether or not the sci-fi MMORPG failed. It's a...

Sword and Bored: Behind the scenes

Mo is offscreen for a week, but we get a chance to see just what the NPCs are up to behind the scenes.
Stab some stuff.

Wisdom of Nym: How to catch up in Final Fantasy XIV (before Heavensward arrives)

Let's assume you've just recently gotten to the level cap in Final Fantasy XIV and you're ready to start in on catching up to...
GTA Online

The Daily Grind: What did you accomplish in your MMOs this weekend?

I didn't get a whole lot of gaming time this weekend, but I did manage to log a couple of hours in GTA Online. I...

Matt Miller announces City of Heroes Loregasm 2015

Is there something about City of Heroes -- lore-related, mind you -- that you've always wanted to know? What was the deal with the...

Guild Chat: Guild size and its effect on cohesion

Welcome along to Guild Chat, my cozy corner of the internet in which we can discuss all things guilds, the place where we all...

One Shots: Every action movie cliché, ever

Everyone needs those epic action moments in MMOs from time to time when everything comes together to deliver a pulse-pounding experience. From the looks...
Don't care, bored.

The Daily Grind: What character look are you most proud of?

The image above was used as a header elsewhere, but other than the fact that I never fixed her belt (it was a placeholder...

The Game Archaeologist: What Star Wars Galaxies life was like before the NGE

A decade after Star Wars Galaxies' "New Game Enhancements" hit the game, controversy, grumbling, and revelations still pop up about the notorious decision to...
So it goes.

WRUP: What ever happened with that button thing edition

Does anyone remember this? This was a thing that happened. I wrote a news post about it. A thing was done with a button,...

The Daily Grind: Would you pay for MMO mods?

The entire internet (only a slight exaggeration there) exploded this week over Valve's decision to work with selected game studios to allow modders to charge for...

Warcraft movie delayed once again

If you were making plans to head to theaters in March of next year to see the Warcraft film as soon as it opened,...

Massively Overthinking: Overcoming ‘Barrens chat’ culture

Tonight's Massively Overthinking aims to address a core problem facing the whole internet, not just games: antisocial behavior. Our question comes from Kickstarter donor Katie...

Massively Opinionated: WoW vs. LOTRO vs. the banker

In this augural episode of Massively Opinionated, Larry, Mike, Richie, and Tina debate the topic of what makes the MMORPG genre special in 2015.