
Get caught up on convention happenings and major events in your favorite MMO. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Diablo III’s Darkening of Tristram retro dungeon is live

It is time. You've put it off for far too long, and now the forces of hell are gathering for an all-out assault. The...

EVE Online is kicking off a huge collab with Doctor Who next week

Well now, it's only the fourth day of January and we've already got a contender for most amazing and weird transmedia synergy cross-promotion of...

RuneScape destroys its duel arena with an earthquake to replace it with the Het’s Oasis ‘skilling arena’

How do you get rid of a blood-soaked fighting pit? If you're RuneScape, you hit it with a devastating earthquake, apparently. That's precisely what...
We still care.

Final Fantasy XI’s producer looks ahead to the 20-year anniversary of the game in 2022

It's been 20 years since Final Fantasy XI originally launched in Japan... or rather, it will be in a few months. (The launch anniversary is...

ArcheAge delays fresh start progression, launches New Year’s festival, bans 21K alt accounts

What's new in the world of ArcheAge? As of last week, there's a Zodiac Festival that lets players ring in the new year with...

The MOP Up: Warframe gets ready for its ‘best year yet’

High on its recent New War update, Warframe's year-end letter promised so much more coming in 2022. "We dedicated our Update 31: The New War...

The Stream Team: Finishing 2021 off right in AdventureQuest 3D

How can you make memories of 2021 better? By making one of the last ones AQ3D! Massively OP's MJ is going to send off...

The Stream Team: Wandering Neverwinter’s Winter Festival of Simril

The year may almost be over, but holiday festivals aren't! And Massively OP's MJ is hitting up as many as she can. The Winter...

Diablo III brings back its Diablo I dungeon event

Kids, it's time to put down Diablo II so that you can pick up Diablo III and play some Diablo I! This confusing era-hopping...

The Stream Team: Yule join us for Lord of the Rings Online’s Frostbluff festivities, yes?

It's holiday time again in LOTRO, and Massively OP's MJ is set to start the annual collecting of coins in Frostbluff. She can never...

Genshin Impact celebrates the real-life Alps with a web event and promotions at an Alpine ski resort

Is it weird to celebrate a mountain? Genshin Impact developer miHoYo didn't bother to stop and ask itself that question and instead is commemorating...

The Stream Team: Celebrating a late Starlight in Final Fantasy XIV

It might be well past the regular Christmas season in real life, but the Starlight seasonal event in Final Fantasy XIV is still going...

The Stream Team: Going for Guild Wars 2 Wintersday achievements

The Christmas event that Massively OP's MJ is the least competent in would likely be GW2's Wintersday. But that doesn't mean she won't try!...

The Stream Team: Deepice differences in this year’s EverQuest II Frostfell

Frostfell is different this year! The questline starting off EQII's major holiday event for the past few years is gone! What has taken its...

The Stream Team: A Vulcan visit to Q’s Winter Wonderland in Star Trek Online

With gummy fishing, squatter gingerbread men, and rampaging snowmen, there's little logical about Q's Winter Wonderland in Star Trek Online. However, Massively OP's MJ...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends is holding its annual memorial for Carrie Fisher today

While Life Day celebrations in the Star Wars Galaxies Legends rogue server are continuing to roll forward, today is also another anniversary: the passing...

Final Fantasy XIV prepares Heavensturn for January 5

It's almost time for a new year to arrive in Final Fantasy XIV (also, the real world) once again. The key difference is that...

The MOP Up: Fantasy Life Online returns to mobile

After being shut down in Japan, Fantasy Life Online is getting a second shot at redemption via a global rollout. The adorable pastel-colored online...

The Stream Team: Collecting toys in Astroneer on Christmas Day

If your talking about collecting lots of gifts on Christmas Day, Astroneer is the place! EXO Dynamics needs Massively OP's MJ to head out...

The Stream Team: Giving the Gift’hulu of AdventureQuest 3D for Frostval

Ice? Check. Cool new outfits and weapons? Check. Grinchy Moglins. Yes-sir-ee check. Gift'hulus? Checkity check check. Massively OP's MJ has made her list and...