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Oh snaps.

Vague Patch Notes: MMO players are a bad substitute for professional testers

Test servers are, let's face it, kind of a terrible idea that just keeps getting trotted out there in the MMO space. And the...
It costs.

The Daily Grind: What’s your most nitpicky criticism of an MMO you otherwise like?

As much as I do generally like Star Trek Online, there are problems with the game. Some of these are substantive problems, like how...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s July events start with Bidoof and ends with a mystery

Pokemon Go’s previously mentioned Bidoof events in June are actually spilling into July with Bidoof Breakout event. While Bidoof will be taking over all levels of...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: The types of players in every MMO

We have some fun here in Perfect Ten land dealing with lists. That's kind of the whole point. We've done columns about the races...
Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV settles in for the long summer progression nap

So, Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.57. Here's the nice thing about it: It convinced me to finish up with one of my more neglected...
Easy sell.

The Daily Grind: What sort of character options do you gravitate toward in a new MMO?

Look, I consider myself a simple person with straightforward tastes. Give me a new MMO and I am going to go for dual-wielding swords....

Betawatch: Swords of Legends Online launches on July 9

It is generally poor form to have the same game get the Betawatch header two weeks in a row, but here we are highlighting...

The Soapbox: Abusing MMO community reps over design decisions is not only toxic but futile

Recently, an online video game community rep was run off Twitter by "fans." The CM's fellow game dev shared how upset she was that...
Surprised? Really?

WoW Factor: Would you like to take a survey?

All right. Yes, I know that World of Warcraft is finally releasing its first major patch for Shadowlands on June 29th. That's a thing...
Feelings felt

The Daily Grind: Have you ever had to try an MMO multiple times before getting into it?

I have literally lost count at this point of how many times I've seen posts on the Final Fantasy XIV subreddit from someone saying...

Wisdom of Nym: Things to do in Final Fantasy XIV while you’re waiting for Endwalker

At the time I am writing this sentence, there are 151 days until Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker kicks off early access. That's not all...

Massively on the Go: Revisiting Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge’s ARG

A former coworker and I recently went to Disneyland, incidentally on the same day. We were talking about our days there, and she wondered...
We're not friends, right? Good.

The Daily Grind: What do you do to be social in an MMO?

People have been saying to me for years that MMO are less social these days. I've never really understood why; I'm still as social...
No, this doesn't count.

The Daily Grind: Do you use the same name in multiple MMOs?

A friend of mine uses the same name in every single MMO he plays. To protect his identity, I'm going to claim that the...
We have Clive at home.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating about the mechanics of Final Fantasy XIV’s Reaper way too early

So! Last week, I speculated about Sage in what will almost certainly be incorrect predictions regarding the job's mechanics and overall playstyle. Was this...

The Daily Grind: What sort of monster do you love to kill in an MMO?

We've made jokes before about how MMORPGs have certain predictable elements in their bestiaries. After all, most games feature the really cute thing (or...

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating about the mechanics of Final Fantasy XIV’s Sage way too early

Here's what we know so far about Final Fantasy XIV's Sage: It'll be a healer. Specifically, it's going to be a barrier healer, as...
Feelings felt

The Daily Grind: What MMO music do you listen to out of the game?

The thing about video game music is that some of it is so perfectly attuned to a very specific game that it can feel...

Betawatch: We want us some Palia

Palia! It exists! We got a whole preview for it, and it looks wonderful, and people will not stop telling us about it and...

Vague Patch Notes: The specter of MMO burnout and what it means

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about burnout. This is due in no small part to the fact that I am majorly burnt out...