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Betawatch: New World kicks off its closed beta

At long last, the New World closed beta has arrived! It's a beta for the game that seems to have gone through more philosophical...

Pokemon Go reneges on rewards after Russian players achieve company’s goal

As readers may notice in our Pokemon Go coverage, we frequently ask PR for clarity on various announcements. While we can all appreciate not...
You may be my old favorite, but you don't get a free pass.

WoW Factor: No king rules forever

World of Warcraft patch 9.1 has been out for less than a month, and it is a bad time to be a fan of...

GDC 2021: Are VR and AR companies liable for gamer content creation?

One thing I love about a good GDC presentation is when devs bring up those issues that many of us get a funny feeling...

The Daily Grind: What little touches make you happy in an MMO?

Completing a duty in Final Fantasy XIV plays the traditional series victory fanfare. It's such a little thing, it doesn't need to be in...
The rarest resource of all is body coverage for women, and they seek to steal it.

PAX East 2021: MMO community building – on a budget

Any community managers or indie devs in the audience? This year at PAX East 2021, a few well-known community managers - Linda "Brasse" Carlson of...
Eye see.

The Daily Grind: What routine tasks do you frequently forget in MMOs?

If you never played it back in the day, Final Fantasy XI was often a game of chores. Did you remember to get food?...
Ever the same.

Betawatch: Elyon is planning its next closed beta with an early fall launch

It seems as if it's taken forever for Elyon to really make much movement over here in the west, but don't worry: It's happening....
Mean elf.

Vague Patch Notes: Hating an MMO isn’t the same as having a personality

There was a friend I had at one point who had a particularly annoying habit. Whenever I would bring up something obnoxious that was...
Skull go BLORF

The Daily Grind: What’s your least favorite content in an MMO that you still take part in?

I have a lifelong policy of not being spicy to people who are bad in World of Warcraft PvP because I can hardly blame...

WoW Factor: The Blizzard ‘leak’ is probably fake, but it’s still valuable

So right now it doesn't need to be said that stuff with World of Warcraft is kind of a mess. Shadowlands might have been...
These losers again?

Wisdom of Nym: Looking at lost actions as a key to more job customization in Final Fantasy XIV

Let's talk a little bit about the Save the Queen content in Final Fantasy XIV, but perhaps not in the way you might be...
It could be one. You don't know.

The Daily Grind: How do you style your characters in MMOs?

Not every game has housing, usually for bad reasons. But the vast majority of games at this point do allow you to design your...
Yes please.

Betawatch: Launchapalooza

After last week's rather dismal opening, it's nice to know that this week we get to celebrate two games leaving our list because they've...
It's probably Ascians, isn't it? It's more Ascians.

The Daily Grind: How do you stay in touch with your MMO friends outside of the game?

For some people, the answer to the question asked in the header is very simple: "I don't." And that's totally valid. Some people make...

Vague Patch Notes: Playerbase size doesn’t have to be everything in MMOs

I'm already worried about Crowfall. Not because of personal experiences, mind you; I haven't yet played it or anything, and all I have to...

Wisdom of Nym: What will Final Fantasy XIV add to its tanks?

So we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Endwalker will add new tricks to every job in Final Fantasy XIV. We don't...

The Daily Grind: How much does freedom to experiment matter to you in an MMO?

I admit that I was never a huge fan of how easy resetting talents was after a point in World of Warcraft, but I...

Betawatch: Magic Legends gets discarded

The past few weeks we've usually wound up slipping into more depressing beta news toward the end, but this time it's just going front...
All over again.

WoW Factor: Why Blizzard’s line about story beats is so frustrating

So the most recent roundup of interviews with World of Warcraft's staff deeply hurt me on a fundamental level. Like, this was the sort...