MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

Slither slither slither.

Age of Conan’s next patch is available for testing

You need to be careful to ensure that you've got the right sort of chaos going into the next Age of Conan update. The...
Always dragons.

TERA plans non-cash shop prehistoric dragons, launches The Guilded Age

The new prehistoric dragon mounts of TERA are decidedly draconic, indisputably iconic, likely quite laconic, and sending players into understandable histrionics. After all, when...

The Stream Team: Aion’s 7th anniversary includes mega XP birthday buffs

Has it really been seven years? Yes, it has! Aion, the game that brought MassivelyOP's MJ into this business, is celebrating its seventh anniversary...

Destiny’s newest raid goes live tomorrow

Destiny's players might be storming through Rise of Iron this week, but their journey is far from over. Bungie is preparing to turn on...
I mean, nothing is real.

Crowfall’s Raph Koster and Thomas Blair on the challenges of MMORPG harvesting

Harvesting in an MMORPG is just the boring gruntwork you have to trudge through before you can get to the glory of crafting --...

How voxel tech is powering sci-fi sandbox Dual Universe

Dual Universe has a fresh dev diary out this week on how it's employing voxel technology for its builder-centric space sandbox. "The idea of voxel...

EverQuesting: Looking ahead to EverQuest II’s Kunark Ascending expansion

I love fall. Fall is the best season. It has the best holiday, changing leaves, and awesome weather. Fall also means that EverQuest II's...
Come fly with me.

Rift of the Damned patch for Riders of Icarus is delayed to September 29

A slight delay has hit the next big patch for Riders of Icarus, which was previously scheduled to go live on September 28th. The...
Day, night, whatever.

Analyst: China should port MMOs westward (carefully!) as mobile competition stiffens

China is the biggest game market in the world. So why the heck do so many games exported from there to here seem to flop? That's the...

Perfect Ten: My favorite memories from City of Heroes

I've noticed that some people get irritated when others repeatedly bring up long-dead MMORPGs. I think there's the mentality of, "What's done is done,...
Try try try.

The Division’s test server goes live today for PC players

Ready to try the next update to The Division before it goes live? The game's test server is going live today for PC players,...
Ah, this was handled capably.

DC Universe Online is overhauling its stats completely

Stats are a big deal in MMOs. Those little numbers that we try to make go higher are a big part of what makes...
The joke here is that the dungeons for this game were miserable slogs.

WildStar is bringing lockboxes to raids

If you've played WildStar and lamented the fact that there just aren't enough places to get lockboxes in the game right now, you'll be...

Elder Scrolls Online has begun testing its new lockboxes

What will Elder Scrolls Online be like when lockboxes come to town? Players have a chance to get an advance look at this future,...

Star Citizen unmasks its intricate facial design system

This week's Star Citizen 10 for the Chairman is being called a special edition in that Chris Roberts and Head of the Global Character...
Well, I guess it's cool.

Here are the mounts coming in Riders of Icarus’ next update

Riders of Icarus is a game that's all about riding things. Really, it's right there in the title; it's not called "Walkers of Icarus"...
Well-told, but not well-planned.

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs plan their last expansions out?

By all accounts, Final Fantasy XI's last expansion is Seekers of Adoulin. It was a good expansion, definitely... but it certainly doesn't feel like...

Heroes of the Storm goes full StarCraft with Machines of War

These days, it might feel as if Blizzard is all about one very specific game that involves worlds, wars, and angry things on fire....

Storm King’s Thunder breaches Neverwinter’s console versions October 18

Console players, do you ever watch updates go live for Neverwinter's PC players and stare wistfully as they rush off to play the new shiny...
A proud, shamanistic tradition.

World of Warcraft welcomes Brewfest back to the game

The brewmasters of World of Warcraft's Brewfest have long kept up their silent vigil, but they return to the cities once more. Their mission:...