MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

Let the dead bury their dead, they will come out in droves.

World of Warcraft’s beta client is no longer deprecated in the launcher

We know that you are probably as tired of hearing about new encrypted builds for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands as we are of having...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best character hair in the genre?

This might sound silly but I care a lot more about any given MMO character's hair than face. Realistically, I'm never gonna see the...

MMO Week in Review: AIR’s Elyon rebrand, Elyria’s ‘road to nowhere’

There's no slowing down for the MMO industry right now, which feels pretty bizarre under the circumstances, but here we are. This week, we...

The MOP Up: Darkfall Rise of Agon heats up

No, Darkfall Rise of Agon's map up there didn't just contract chicken pox; that's a "heat map" showing all of the bloodthirsty hot spots...

Here’s what the first 90 minutes of Bless Mobile look like

Care for another sneak peek at a Korean mobile MMO? Then take a gander at Bless Mobile, which is currently out for Korean players...

Global Chat: High adventure in Dungeons and Dragons Online

If there was ever an MMO that was made for parties to adventure together, it is Dungeons and Dragons Online. Telwyn over at GamingSF...

Magic Legends’ combat is going to make you ‘think on your feet’

Can Magic Legends take the frenetic pace of action combat and introduce tactics into the mix? Cryptic says that, yes, it can do just...

One Shots: A nose in a book

I love me a good library. When I was a kid, going to libraries and book stores were some of my favorite outings, so...
Weird dog.

The Daily Grind: Are you re-exploring old MMO content during isolation?

These days, a lot of people are sitting at home without necessarily much to do. We are many of us content locusts now, swarming...

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen shows off the Shaman and discusses the mastery system

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has put out another livestream this week, with this one being all about the Shaman class and its various...

Ultima Online’s next update will feature an overhaul to its quest system

With Publish 108 out the door, it's time for Ultima Online to look forward to Publish 109, which will feature an overhaul to the...

EVE Online crowns its Champion of Lowsec, posts Pulse video and charity campaign

Last week, EVE Online challenged player alliances and corps to blow up the most stuff possible in the Champions of Lowsec event and offered...

The Stream Team: Celebrating six years of Elder Scrolls Online with song

Someone is turning six years old today! It's ESO. Elders Scrolls Online is that someone. The MMORPG is celebrating six years of Tamriel today,...

Saga of Lucimia promotes pre-orders with a weekend alpha test

We suspect that your weekend plans are generally pretty open, so maybe you'd be interested in a group-centric MMORPG to try out? If you...

The Game Archaeologist: The history of Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box

In the MMORPG genre, April Fools' Day is especially relished as a time in which developers and studios can get a bit wacky and...

WoW Classic promises ‘relief’ for overcrowded servers

While World of Warcraft Classic is not the absolute beast it was in the first month of its operation, the legacy MMORPG is still...
Jazzy handy

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite memory from a shuttered MMORPG?

Free Realms. Warhammer Online. WildStar. Asheron's Call. We've lived through so these and so many other MMO shutdowns over the years, leaving behind screenshots,...
What the el. Yon. Elyon.

Betawatch: Ascent Infinite Realm rebranded to Elyon during beta

Rebranding is one of those things that always feels like a bigger deal than it might be but also easy to under-sell by accident....
We still care.

Final Fantasy XI introduces its April version update

This month's update for Final Fantasy XI is a bit lighter than usual, and in the video digest for the update it's explained quite...
Jump in any time.

TERA’s latest console update brings back Manglemire and adds a bounty hunt system

Console players of TERA have some fresh content to look forward to now. Or at least a couple of things. There's a returning fan-favorite...