
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

EverQuest II is getting time-locked PvE and PvP servers

Holly Longdale's recent producer's letter for EverQuest II offered a slew of news, including the announcement that time-locked PvE and PvP servers are coming...

Elder Scrolls Online’s new trailer lampoons ‘that guy’ in your group

You know that guy who's always screwing around, fishing and reading books during raid boss encounters? His name is Tony, and he's the unwitting...

Infinite Crisis fan organizes last hurrah

When faced with the end of a game that you love, how do you use those final days? While some might grieve over Infinite...
Shoot to build.

Final Fantasy XIV opens up Heavensward preorders on Steam and consoles

If you're playing Final Fantasy XIV on Steam, the wait for Heavensward has been a bit difficult, as there's been no clear method for...
Can't imagine why.

CCP financials for 2014 continue their downward slide

It's become a cottage industry for EVE Online fans to try to figure out whether CCP Games is doing well or not. Gone are the days...

Revival devs talk character creation, whaling, and more

Revival's latest newsletter is essential reading if you've missed any of the fantasy sandbox's developer updates over the past month. Illfonic links back to...

Ascent adds ‘full disembark’ to colonies, lots more

Have you been keeping up with Ascent: The Space Game lately? I haven't, and shame on me because an interesting round of updates hit the...

Heroes & Generals’ Vasilevsky patch tweaks melee and adds assault team morale

Reto-Moto has updated its Heroes & Generals FPS with the Vasilevsky update. The patch includes improved melee mechanics, optimized visual effects, weapon tweaks, and...

Tree of Life persecutes thieves and stymies griefers

Since landing on Steam early access last week, Tree of Life has been patching frequently and furiously. The team is not only working on...

EVE is getting a bunch of new ship skins this summer

CCP's dev blogs are usually pretty wordy. It makes sense, given EVE Online's complexity, but occasionally it's nice to see some pretty pictures from...
Have a gay old time.

Star Trek Online’s Lohlunat Festival kicks off

Summer fun starts now in Star Trek Online, as the annual Lohlunat Festival kicks off for another year of flying around, riding powerboards, and...

Marvel Heroes adds Doctor Doom, free heroes for everyone, and more

As I tried to log into Marvel Heroes this afternoon, I ran afoul of the 6 GB patch that Gazillion pushed out to Steam...

Iron Realms creates user-friendly MUD client

It's easy for the modern MMO gamer to be put off by multi-user dungeons (MUDs), what with their lack of graphical frills and their...

Hearthstone welcomes new heroes to the table

Something intriguing is afoot over at Hearthstone. Blizzard. announced today that it's preparing to introduce new heroes -- not classes -- to its successful...
Gothier than thou.

See Overwatch’s Reaper in all of his dark, billowing action

Reaper's life in Overwatch is pretty difficult. His whole schtick is being dark and mysterious and wraithly and so forth, but that can't work well...

Champions Online is revamping its tutorial

If you ever felt let down or confused over Champions Online's introductory experience, then the team would like to welcome you to try it...

Perfect Ten: Why you should care about the Infinite Crisis shutdown

It might seem a little odd that the one thing to break through my current state of hyper-excitement for the launch of Heavensward and...
Wub wub wub wub.

Defiance devs on the next season and the future of the game

The third season of the show Defiance starts up on June 12th, which is likely of particular interest to fans of Defiance the game....

Dungeons & Dragons Online demos the upcoming Warlock

In the context of the tabletop game that gives Dungeons & Dragons Online its name, a Warlock is a class defined by making a...

Voxelbox Trove is officially launching on July 9

This is it, Trove fans. The finish line of beta and the starting line for the official live game. Trion Worlds announced that Trove...