
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

LOTRO musicians prepare for Weatherstock VII

For seven years now, it's been a tradition among the Lord of the Rings Online community to assemble at the summit of the iconic...

ARK: Survival Evolved launches today on Steam early access

Before you go see Jurassic World this summer, why not experience it yourself? The dino-hunting simulator, ARK: Survival Evolved, launches today on Steam early...
If we could see off this mountain.

Voxelnauts gets Greenlit, posts a new Kickstarter video

Looking forward to playing Voxelnauts? So are lots of people on Steam, it appears; as the game approaches the halfway point in its Kickstarter...

Infinite Crisis is shutting down on August 14th

DC-themed superhero MOBA Infinite Crisis is shutting down on August 14th, according to an announcement posted on the front page of Turbine's official site. After...

Star Trek Online highlights summer events, addresses klesbiangate

Summer comes yet again, and while the distinction is kind of arbitrary in deep space, for those of us pretending to be in deep...
Barfalo Wild Wings.

World of Warcraft’s Ashran expands to a new area in patch 6.2

If you've been taking part in the battles over Ashran in World of Warcraft, it's understandable that you could be a little tired of...
But this'll clear those population problems right up, I'm sure.

ArcheAge’s server merges will spark another land rush

When ArcheAge first announced that there would be some sort of server consolidation, players were understandably nervous. Merges can be a messy business at...
I could talk about planting ideas in your head, but that seems a bit too easy.

Guild Wars 2 teases a Ventari image

You have probably noticed by now that ArenaNet likes to be a bit cryptic with its Guild Wars 2 teasers. Case in point: a...
This dude, but in motion.

Crowfall supporters unlock localization stretch goal

Is English not your first language? If not, thanks for struggling through and reading our site anyway, and you can also take heart in...

Not So Massively: Heroes of the Storm’s launch; Need for Speed’s online DRM

Nintendo's quriky new online paint-battle game Splatoon officially launched this week to very positive reviews. Monster-battling game Moonrise entered early access and promises Pokémon-like...

World of Warplanes’ new dogfight contest pits the P51D against the Bf109G

Wargaming has unveiled a new contest in World of Warplanes that runs through July 1st. It pits two legendary World War II fighter planes...

CCP delays EVE’s next set of major sovereignty changes

CCP is currently rebuilding EVE Online's sovereignty capture system, and as such the sci-fi sandbox developer is updating players on a couple of changes...

Shards Online gets pledge upgrades, a new playtest, and more

Citadel Studios has released the latest Shards Online newsletter. It's got a new letter from project lead Derek Brinkmann, good news for backers looking...

GTA Online’s Ill-Gotten Gains, Part 1 debuts next week

Rockstar is prepping a Grand Theft Auto Online patch called Ill-Gotten Gains, Part 1. It's due to release next week, and it features new vehicles, new...

SuperData’s Van Dreunen on tomorrow’s Heroes of the Storm launch

Tomorrow's the big day for Blizzard's entry into the crowded and uber-competitive MOBA market. Heroes of the Storm officially launches on June 2nd, and...

Camelot Unchained is adding lots of cosmetics without a cash shop

Camelot Unchained's next stretch goal is going to take the Realm Honors concept to the next level, according to the game's website. In a...
You guys are still here?

Bungie promises to ban cheaters in Destiny

It's not exactly a drastic reach to say that people shouldn't cheat when playing an online game. People should definitely not be cheating during...

MapleStory 2 is launching in Korea on July 7

Predictions of a July 2nd launch date for MapleStory 2 were off -- but only by a few days. Nexon announced that the colorful...

Heroes of the Storm gears up for launch with double XP, launch streaming, and Blizzard brawling

Are you ready for Heroes of the Storm to launch? It is launching, tomorrow, and there's a lot of stuff going along with that...

Valiance Online begins a patch blitz

Superheroes don't do anything in half-measures, and neither does City of Heroes spiritual successor Valiance Online. The team updated the title yesterday with the...