
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

War Thunder adds J.F.K.’s torpedo boat and other small sea craft

Coming this fall to a War Thunder near you: naval battles. The game is prepping a new theater of war -- on the open...
THE POWER (you've got it)

Path of Exile’s Atlas of Worlds expansion launches September 2

It's nearly that time again -- time for the next Path of Exile expansion! Few games can boast an expansion schedule that runs like...

Blade and Soul is making it easier to upgrade weapons

For those who are frustrated with Blade and Soul's sometimes-contentious weapon upgrade system, fret not: NCsoft has heard your wailing and gnashing of teeth....
The descent of... um... man-like stuff, I guess.

WildStar promises players more quality-of-life improvements

Say, whatever happened to the last time WildStar players talked with the developers about features they'd like to see in the game? Did anything...
No, you don't get it, she has no eyes.

WoW Factor: The storm upon the Broken Shore

I sometimes get asked why I don't do more stuff within betas when I have access to them. To answer that, all I can...
You let me down, man.

Star Wars: The Old Republic producer’s stream promises more group content and more on the next expansion

Have you already played the final chapter of Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire? Did you feel that it sort...
Let's do this old gag again.

The other faction’s Broken Shore cinematic in World of Warcraft can offer some lore revelations

If you've only done the Broken Shore scenario on one faction in World of Warcraft, you're missing out. Sure, you know what's going on...
The joke here is that the dungeons for this game were miserable slogs.

WildStar previews Redmoon Terror’s first raid wing

If you missed WildStar's last livestream and you enjoy raiding, you might want to give it another look. Carbine Community Manager Jonathan Brown, Game...

Chaos Theory: The 80s invade The Secret World

One of the best things about The Secret World is how it is set in the modern day. But that doesn't mean the game...

SWTOR’s Battle of Odessen is live today for subbers

The last chapter of Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire series launches for regular subbers today. "All active Star Wars: The...
It's just like Magic: the Gathering, but without any cards your friends can destroy like jerks.

One Night in Karazhan comes out today for Hearthstone players

Players have clamored for more to do within Karazhan for years, and the good news is that it's finally happening today. The slightly less...
Remember when the big problem we had was seagulls? That seems so much easier right now.

World of Warcraft previews two of the dungeons of Legion

A lot is changing when World of Warcraft: Legion launches, but dungeons will work the way they always have. Of course, they will be...

Shroud of the Avatar plans creature taming changes

Creature taming and summoning is about to get adjusted in Shroud of the Avatar come Release 33 later this month. A quick forum thread identified...
FIght for your right to... fight more, mostly.

Guild Wars 2 kicks off the fourth PvP League season

To everything, there is a season, and this is the season for Guild Wars 2 players to resume beating the snot out of one...

TERA welcomes single players into its Castle Aranea dungeon

Not every dungeon in TERA will give you the comfort of traversing it with your fellow meat shields friends. Some are solo dungeons, which means...
Oh. All right.

Wild Terra adds a new Russian-specific server

The latest patch for Wild Terra is live, and it brings along with it a Russian server for players to explore. The bad news...

Path of Exile makes prophecies permanent

If you've really been enjoying the Prophecy League in Path of Exile, you'll be glad to know that the system is going to persist...
Work it over.

Visionary Realms: Pantheon is a ‘brave new world,’ not a ‘wormhole back to simpler times’

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen says it's reorienting its newsletter to be more community focused and has put its money where its mouth is...

The Stream Team: SWTOR Dark vs. Light vs. Knights of the Fallen Empire

Let's talk about Knights of the Fallen Empire. The latest chapter for the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion currently remains in early access and...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s Out of the Shadows

I figure that it's been long enough for the majority of you to have run through Guild War's 2's first instalment of the Living...