
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Skycastles take flight in TERA’s newest patch

Hope you're not afraid of heights, for skycastles have arrived in TERA. The gravity-defying guild houses are just part of yesterday's Patch 30.09. Guilds won't...
Guns of Icarus

Guns of Icarus now has a ship knockback cannon

It's been a long while since we checked in with Guns of Icarus, and shame on us for that! Muse has released patch notes...

World of Warcraft goes live with Patch 6.1

It may be one of World of Warcraft's smaller content updates, but Patch 6.1 still squeaks into that category with several quality-of-life improvements to...

Ultima Online is working on a new expansion

Broadsword has today announced that it is working on a new expansion for the classic Ultima Online sandbox. Time of Legends, the devs say in a new...

TERA dungeon triggers player controversy

A new TERA dungeon named Ghillieglade has raised the ire of European players who discovered that the "extremely easy" instance delivers incredible rewards with...

Final Fantasy XIV’s gold saucer patch is live

In its bid to prove that it's got wacky in spades, Final Fantasy XIV has launched the much-anticipated 2.51 patch, an unassuming name for...

Order and Chaos Online update adds dungeon, wheel of fortune

It doesn't look like peace is coming any time soon to Order & Chaos Online. In fact, a fallen angel named Annemone has invaded...
Sometimes, of course, we don't care about things like balance.

Check out a video tour of Guild Wars 2’s Revenant

Are you looking forward to the newest addition to Guild Wars 2's class lineup, the Revenant? Do you stay awake at night wishing that...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best game-within-a-game in the MMO space?

Jef and I were talking this past weekend about something Star Wars Galaxies got really, really right: the Jump to Lightspeed expansion, which brought...

EVE Evolved: Exploring EVE’s ‘new opportunities’

This week saw the first concrete reveal of EVE Online's potentially revolutionary new Opportunities system, which promises to replace the current tutorial with a...

Destiny is adding strike matchmaking to patch 1.1.1

If you've been having a hard time finding companions to help you through your weekly heroic strikes in Destiny, then Bungie is sending patch...
She's still got heels on, because of course she does. And the other armor set is barely scraps covering a woman's nether regions, because of course it is.

Diablo III previews the armor, powers, and rift improvements of patch 2.2

Diablo III's next major patch is a quality-of-life patch, meaning that it's not going to come with a huge influx of new content. If...
Going for the one.

Elite is getting wings but not wing commanders

Elite: Dangerous lead designer Sandro Sammarco spoke with PC Gamer this week about the sci-fi title's upcoming 1.2 patch. The major feature is of...

Otherland beta test focuses on server stability

Otherland continues its trek back to public consciousness and notability after being dropped by Real-U and picked back up by Drago. Currently, the multi-world...

WoW’s Iron Docks have been delayed to patch 6.2

Are you looking forward to the Iron Docks quests in World of Warcraft's patch 6.1? Even though they haven't been mentioned in any patch...

Old School RuneScape releases permanent F2P servers

Originally released back in 2001 when the MMO genre was in its infancy, browser MMO RuneScape has endured through over a decade of development...

EVE Online tests potentially revolutionary tutorial replacement

Throughout its over 10-year life span, EVE Online has always been regarded as having an insane learning curve. New players are dropped into the...

Trion explains Defiance’s new expeditions

Trion posted a preview of Defiance's new Alcatraz update this week. Expeditions, which are "evolving co-op matches that pit players against increasingly tough enemies...

Guild Wars 2’s Revenant is powered by legends of the past

Ever since hearing about Guild Wars 2's ninth and newest class at PAX South, we've been dying to know more about the Revenant. Well,...

Minsc and Boo will headline Neverwinter’s sixth expansion

Perfect World has just announced that Neverwinter's sixth expansion, Elemental Evil, is set to launch on March 17th. In what PWE is calling the game's...