
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Who are you, what are you doing, and do you have to mince with such vigor while you do it?

Aion offers a teaser trailer for an Immortal Saga

It is possible that the trailer down below is very illuminating if you are a fan of Aion. We'll give you the short version...
Are you not entertained?

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s events, anniversaries, and content

I don't know whether we're actually going to have a proper two-year anniversary event in Final Fantasy XIV. It feels very strange to say...
Cool players don't look at explosions.

Guild Wars 2’s Warrior elite specialization is the Berserker

Warriors in Guild Wars 2 have always had a big focus on gathering and unleashing Adrenaline as a resource. It's part of their charm....
It's a cozy little house, sort of.

WildStar previews its free-to-play loyalty reward system

Free-to-play games have a rather predictable system in place - you spend money on things and then you have them. Simple and straightforward. WildStar...

Age of Wulin’s Chapter 7 expansion hits later this month

Age of Wulin is getting a new expansion on August 25th, according to a Webzen press release. The new stuff is called Chapter 7:...

Destiny trailer teases Taken King, tomorrow’s Twitch reveal

It's hard to believe that Destiny is almost a year old, but it is. Today Bungie released a teaser trailer for the Twitch reveal...

SWTOR will start releasing info on Knights of the Fallen Empire ‘very soon’

Players frustrated with BioWare's relative silence about Star Wars: The Old Republic's rapidly approaching fall expansion will have to wait just a little while...

Hearthstone reveals entire Grand Tournament card list

Hearthstone's Grand Tournament expansion will not only convey player's minds to the days of Warcraft-past but greatly add to the number of available cards and...

The Stream Team: Giving away the SWTOR Zakuul Knight armor set

Larry breaks out solo for this Star Wars: The Old Republic stream. MJ is on vacation and out of the country (jealous), but we...

APB: Reloaded heralds the four horsemen of the apocalypse

We trembled with fear and trepidation the other day when we saw Jef post a positive, upbeat soapbox about the future of MMOs because...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR datamining and guild building

Usually, I don't combine two topics into one article, but these two things are important and I don't want to go another week without...
Create and destroy alike!

PlanetSide 2 has potential patch features datamined

So what's going to be in the next major patch for PlanetSide 2? Are you going to wait for official patch notes like some...

I need Shroud of the Avatar’s airship house

Shroud of the Avatar posted another meaty newsletter update over the weekend. Update of the Avatar #138 features more on the architecture of the...

World of Tanks’ new global map debuts Wednesday

World of Tanks is getting a new global map this Wednesday. The revamped map has been in open beta for a couple of months,...

Be a monkey in SkySaga and fulfill your dreams

Don't be ashamed of that time when you were chastised for "monkeying around." Instead, own it by playing as a hyper simian in SkySaga. When...
This was not actually complex.

Elite: Dangerous brings back lifetime expansion passes before Horizons

The first expansion for Elite: Dangerous is on its way, but as a buy-to-play title there's a bit of confusion about who gets what...

WildStar beefs up world discoveries

WildStar is rethinking and renovating many of its systems for the upcoming free-to-play update, even small ones like discoveries. Discoveries are cracked glowy patches in...

ArcheAge is gifting players free griffins next month

The griffin: half-eagle, half-lion, and soon to be all yours. ArcheAge players will soon have the opportunity to snag one of these flying beasts...

Player housing is coming to Elder Scrolls Online

While it might be a while coming, player housing has been confirmed as an upcoming feature for Elder Scrolls Online. Start picking out your...

Gloria Victis fights with its animation system, emerges victorious

Gloria Victis pre-alpha version 0.3 is live, and apparently it took some doing, since the changelog post describes a "long fight with the animations...