
We do our best to confirm rumors before we publish them. Heed the caveats and have fun speculating! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: What’s Funcom’s secret project?

When Funcom's Joel Bylos casually announced this week that he was moving on from his role as game director of The Secret World to...

Rumor: Hearthstone may be prepping a Blackrock Mountain adventure

What's next for the ever-hot Hearthstone? Hearthhead reported that a data mining expedition has uncovered references to Blackrock Mountain dungeon cards, meaning that card...

Datamining suggests The Division’s alpha test is en route

Dataminers on Reddit have unearthed publicly accessible but undisplayed code on The Division's website that suggests alpha is on the way. There's no official announcement, but...
This was not actually complex.

An ‘Elite: Deadly’ trademark has been registered

Are you enjoying flying through space in Elite: Dangerous but not how the game's news cycle has quieted down? Let's change that. A trademark has...