
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Embers Adrift releases a slew of gameplay, tutorial, and preview videos

At the end of December Embers Adrift promised that the start of January would be full of gameplay previews and a new trailer. The...

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis focuses on level cap raises and urgent quests, pushes back Summoner class to late 2022

As we make our first steps into the new year, the developers of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis have set their sights forward...

The MOP Up: Warframe gets ready for its ‘best year yet’

High on its recent New War update, Warframe's year-end letter promised so much more coming in 2022. "We dedicated our Update 31: The New War...

The best Massively OP streams of 2021

Massively OP's Stream Team had a most unusual 2021, as Mother Nature took a bite out of MOP's MJ's house - and her streaming...

The Stream Team: Finishing 2021 off right in AdventureQuest 3D

How can you make memories of 2021 better? By making one of the last ones AQ3D! Massively OP's MJ is going to send off...

The Stream Team: Wandering Neverwinter’s Winter Festival of Simril

The year may almost be over, but holiday festivals aren't! And Massively OP's MJ is hitting up as many as she can. The Winter...

Wizardry Online makes a comeback as a rogue server

Those with good memories and perhaps a bit of personal experience might remember that for a hot minute back in 2013 and 2014, SOE...

The Stream Team: Yule join us for Lord of the Rings Online’s Frostbluff festivities, yes?

It's holiday time again in LOTRO, and Massively OP's MJ is set to start the annual collecting of coins in Frostbluff. She can never...
So, probably not.

Pantheon’s dev roundtable goes into the ‘art of combat’

If the meat-and-potatoes of MMO combat is what brings you the joy in gaming, then you're going to want to dine on an hour...

Profane shares some lore, character creation updates, a bird design, and an end-of-year wrap-up

The full-loot PvP sandbox of Profane continues to use its Twitter account as a sounding board for its variety of updates and concept previews,...

The Stream Team: Going for Guild Wars 2 Wintersday achievements

The Christmas event that Massively OP's MJ is the least competent in would likely be GW2's Wintersday. But that doesn't mean she won't try!...

EVE Online recaps industry updates, winter events, and videos for Omega players

EVE Online has once again pulled together the updates and news stories for the game over the month of December into one little video...

The Stream Team: Deepice differences in this year’s EverQuest II Frostfell

Frostfell is different this year! The questline starting off EQII's major holiday event for the past few years is gone! What has taken its...
Weedle whee.

Zenith unveils its launch cover art and a song from its soundtrack

Sometimes, it's the little things that can feel more important than normal when you're an indie MMO developer. That appears to be the general...

The Stream Team: Preparing for Warframe’s The New War

Starting Warframe's The New War is a big deal, and Massively OP's MJ knows she must get ready for it. Once she begins, she...

Genshin Impact prepares its next version update for January 5

It's almost time for the next major update for Genshin Impact, but you're going to have to wait a little longer. Specifically, you're going...

The Stream Team: A Vulcan visit to Q’s Winter Wonderland in Star Trek Online

With gummy fishing, squatter gingerbread men, and rampaging snowmen, there's little logical about Q's Winter Wonderland in Star Trek Online. However, Massively OP's MJ...
But this is totally going to work out, yeah.

Embers Adrift discusses the MMORPG’s vision, announces a new trailer and gameplay preview for January

Embers Adrift, formerly the sandbox MMORPG Saga of Lucimia, is basically being forced to reintroduce itself following the departure of the game's founders earlier...

Ashes of Creation is getting a visual upgrade by way of Unreal Engine 5 integration

Unreal Engine 5 is more than just a fancy way to advertise the newest Matrix movie; it's also meant to power the creation of...

The MOP Up: Fantasy Life Online returns to mobile

After being shut down in Japan, Fantasy Life Online is getting a second shot at redemption via a global rollout. The adorable pastel-colored online...