It’s almost time for the next major update for Genshin Impact, but you’re going to have to wait a little longer. Specifically, you’re going to need to wait a week until January 5th for Fleeting Colors in Flight to arrive, bringing with it a new area (Enkanomiya), new characters to play around with, new story to experience, new minigames, new enemies… let’s face it, if you’ve been playing Genshin Impact for a while, you have some idea of what to expect from a new patch that brings you new areas to explore and new companions to recruit. It’s sort of the game’s bread and butter.
Of course, if you’re debating whether or not you want to come back for this particular update, you can also take a look at the trailer just below that shows off some dramatic new fights, new areas, new story beats, and the new characters in exquisite details. Nothing not to like in that mixture, right? Check it out and read up on the full patch preview on the official site.