
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Star Citizen’s Pillar Talk discusses friends list features and better persistence in alpha 3.9

The next alpha update for Star Citizen has its fair share of big-ticket items -- the New Babbage area, the prison, new missions, new...

Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box reopens next week, plus somebody bought the golden sink

Finally! ArenaNet had previously announced that Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box, inarguably the best April Fools' event in all of MMO land, was...

No Man’s Sky just patched in the Exo Mech update, confirming leaked video

You can have plenty of neat stuff in No Man's Sky. You can have your own custom base. You can have a frigate and...

Riot’s Runeterra launches April 30 while COVID-19 slows Valorant

We were just talking on the podcast about how, with everyone stuck at home and looking for gaming outlets, that this is the perfect...

The Stream Team: Making melee mayhem with a Path of Exile Marauder

If one thing could be said about Massively OP's MJ, it's that she really likes Path of Exile's witch. Which is why it was...

Get a look at Blade & Soul Revolution’s gameplay ahead of its English release

While Blade & Soul Revolution is already open for pre-registration for its English version, you might be the sort who wants to know what...

The Stream Team: Colossal kitties in Guild Wars 2

Some days you game hardcore, and other days you just want to chill and admire the colossal kitties. The latter is exactly what Massively...

Microsoft’s latest edition of Flight Simulator touts single shard multiplayer features

Well, here's a game we weren't expecting to have on our radar, but these are strange times indeed. So with that in mind, let's...

The MOP Up: Darkfall Rise of Agon heats up

No, Darkfall Rise of Agon's map up there didn't just contract chicken pox; that's a "heat map" showing all of the bloodthirsty hot spots...

Here’s what the first 90 minutes of Bless Mobile look like

Care for another sneak peek at a Korean mobile MMO? Then take a gander at Bless Mobile, which is currently out for Korean players...

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen shows off the Shaman and discusses the mastery system

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has put out another livestream this week, with this one being all about the Shaman class and its various...

EVE Online crowns its Champion of Lowsec, posts Pulse video and charity campaign

Last week, EVE Online challenged player alliances and corps to blow up the most stuff possible in the Champions of Lowsec event and offered...

The Stream Team: Celebrating six years of Elder Scrolls Online with song

Someone is turning six years old today! It's ESO. Elders Scrolls Online is that someone. The MMORPG is celebrating six years of Tamriel today,...

The Stream Team: The third part’s the charm in Warframe’s The Sacrifice

"The hardest part is over" -- or so Massively OP's MJ was told. She's completed two parts of Warframe's The Sacrifice story quest now,...
We still care.

Final Fantasy XI introduces its April version update

This month's update for Final Fantasy XI is a bit lighter than usual, and in the video digest for the update it's explained quite...

Population Zero talks about the Hub location and its features, kicks off a day-long stress test

Calling your most important location in the world the Hub is probably not the most imaginative thing, but then again, the NPCs of Population...
Sitting around.

Crowfall’s latest ACE Q&A covers class design and the safety of the ArtCraft team

We've all gotten accustomed to videos from the Crowfall team, but the latest ACE Q&A video is a little different from usual as it...

The Stream Team: Another attempt at AQ3D’s Yokai adventures

Last time Massively OP's MJ tried to do some Yokai story in AQ3D she was waylaid by a visit from Artix! Much fun was...
Big trucking.

Elite Dangerous fully reveals Fleet Carriers, launching in June

Elite Dangerous is finally getting closer to the fleet carriers content that was originally meant to launch last year, with the reveal of the...

The Stream Team: Exploring Dungeons and Dragons Online’s currently free content

With folks stuck at home during the pandemic, DDO has opened all of its quests for free throughout the month of April. Massively OP's...