
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

The Stream Team: Finally fighting as a female in H1Z1

Finally! MassivelyOP's MJ doesn't have to run around hunting zombies in the skin of a guy; the first female model is live in H1Z1....
At long last, shooty men!

Warface opens up an African theater with its latest update

Good little soldiers, it's time to get your co-op shooting on, as Warface has expanded to include Africa for the first time. It's not...

Worlds Adrift procedurally generates ‘amazing’ islands

Just because Worlds Adrift's islands will be procedurally generated doesn't mean that they will be dull and featureless. On the contrary, a new dev...
Not the chess maneuver.

A guide to building and using your kingdom in Crowfall

Crowfall's individual campaign worlds are intended to be reset over time. That's by design; each world will flourish, then wither, then die. But the...

The Stream Team: Clubbing Tokyo-style in The Secret World

It's crunch time! The Secret World's Issue #11: Reaping the Whirlwind is launching next week, and MassivelyOP's MJ still hasn't found the White Rabbit! That...

War Thunder update celebrates Victory Day’s 70th anniversary

As we near the 70th anniversary of World War II's Victory in Europe Day, War Thunder figured that it would be a good time...

The Stream Team: Tearing through mobs with TERA’s Gunner class

MassivelyOP's MJ is experiencing a change -- to the DPS side! TERA's new Gunner class has her shooting up the countryside with an almost...

Project Genom gameplay video shows off its high-tech weapons

The sci-fi shooter Project Genom is making great strides with its post-Unreal Engine 4 transition, and the dev team put together a new gameplay...

Enjoy an exclusive look at Cabal II’s PvP battlefields

If you're a PvP junkie, you're going to want to give Cabal II careful consideration as a possible future playground. ESTsoft released a new...

See Black Desert’s Plum Flower fighter in action

She's fast, she's furious, and she will cut you to ribbons if you're standing in her way. She's the Plum Flower, the female version...

City of Titans demos its first costume and combat prototypes

It's been a little quiet on the City of Titans development front for a while, but when you see the game's most recent video, you'll understand...
If I could turn back time.

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns’ first elite spec is the Chronomancer

Let's talk history for a moment. Before Guild Wars 2 was a thing, before it was even an idea, the team at ArenaNet was working...

The Stream Team: Going gangbusters in GTA Online

Once you start down the wrong path, it's hard to turn around... especially if you are in a stolen car! MassivelyOP's MJ is continuing...
Infinite Crisis

Ranked play is coming to Infinite Crisis on May 8

Think you're good at Infinite Crisis? You'll have a chance to prove it on May 8th when Turbine unveils ranked play for its DC...

Land of Britain takes you through a leprechaun dungeon

Following its conversion to the Unreal Engine 4, Land of Britain is champing at the bit to show off its fantastic new visuals. To...

Massively Opinionated: FFXIV vs. FFXIV vs. CoH

In this episode, Larry, Eliot, Laura, and Matt debate the topic of immersion in the MMORPG genre, pitting City of Heroes against the Final Fantasy franchise.

SWTOR’s Rise of the Emperor finale is coming next week

BioWare launched Star Wars: The Old Republic's Rise of the Emperor patch yesterday alongside a brand-new trailer we've included below. The patch drops players on...

ArcheAge releases the Dread Prophecies update

Ghost ships? An aggravated kraken? Just what in Sam Hill is going on in ArcheAge these days, anyway? Well, the fantasy sandpark has released one of...

Watch Dota 2’s Red Bull Battle Grounds America regionals… now

Dota 2's Red Bull Battle Grounds e-sports event has been winding its away across the world with only one regional champ left to be decided: the...

Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown launches today

After quite a while in early access testing and a significant name change that appears to have displaced much of the "online" component of...