
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

The Stream Team: Joyriding with a purpose in H1Z1

Not only are vehicles useful in H1Z1 thanks to the trunk space and ability to cover large distances fast, but driving around in them...

Get a closer look at Defiance’s Alcatraz

The prison island of Alcatraz is the hot new destination of Defiance players following yesterday's patch. If you're a curious looky loo or a...

The Stream Team: Higher-level Heritage questing in EQII

For all the many times MassivelOP's MJ has done Heritage Quests in EverQuest II on various alts, it somehow escaped her that the increases...
GTA Online

GTA V and GTA Online now available on PC

A little game called Grand Theft Auto V launched last night. You may have heard of it. Well, technically it launched on the PC,...
It's just another FPS, yes. That was not a surprising development.

A first look at Ghost in the Shell Online in action

Now that we know that Ghost in the Shell Online will definitely be coming to Western shores, there's all the reason in the world...

Forsaken World is getting a mobile edition

Could we be on the verge of an MMO mobile gaming revolution? Several mobile versions of Asian MMOs are in the making, including Aion...
We had a bet running that it would take longer.

Guild Wars 2’s Stronghold public beta is today; here’s a guide

You can play Guild Wars 2's upcoming expansion PvP mode right now! The Stronghold public beta is today! And then it closes up shop...

Not So Massively: LoL nerfs Nidalee, Hearthstone bans mods, and Path of Exile talks Act IV

League of Legends finally applied a nerf to controversial champion Nidalee, but players warn that it won't harm her jungling potential. Riot Games has...

Take part in a flying raid with Icarus Online

Even if they share common lineage, MMOs must have a distinctive angle or face death by mediocrity. For the upcoming Icarus Online, that hook...

The Stream Team: Bulking up as Marvel Heroes’ She-Hulk

Even though MassivelyOP's MJ already has a slew of heroes she needs to work on, it's hard to resist when Marvel Heroes introduces a new...

Destiny’s House of Wolves expansion launches May 19th

Destiny fans ready for a new expansion after last December's The Dark Below have to wait until only May 19th for the release of...
Hooray, the hype train is finally going to die, then?

Black Desert demos its new Valkyrie class

Eager to take a look at the newest class being added to Black Desert? The fine folks at Steparu have posted a trailer demonstrating...

Shroud of the Avatar works on street signs as it preps Release 17

Even things as small and seemingly mundane as street signs can represent a lengthy undertaking in the MMO development process. Shroud of the Avatar...

Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward’s spoiler-filled trailer

We're going to tell you this right up front: if you haven't yet done the patch 2.55 story quests and don't want to be...

The Stream Team: Giving away more Guild Wars 2

What? Massively OP's MJ has another copy of Guild Wars 2 to give away, you say? And this is a deluxe edition? Well hot...

Cabal 2 has a leather class fetish

Don't you dare think for a second how strange it is that MMOs segregate the player population not by who they are but by...

The Stream Team: Landmark is where all IPs come together

When you give creative people free rein in Landmark, some pretty awesome things happen! Besides fantastical creations straight out of the player's imagination, there...
Star Citizen

Here’s a look inside Star Citizen’s newest dev studio

Cloud Imperium recently opened a new studio to work on Star Citizen. It's located in Frankfurt, and it's called Foundry 42 Germany. Chris Roberts...
This failed for lots of reasons, let's be real.

Infinite Crisis unmasks Lex Luthor

Turbine published a feature on its newest Infinite Crisis champion this week. Lex Luthor is the man of the hour, and he'll be available...

Previewing Path of Exile’s mind-blowing Act IV

If you thought Path of Exile's previous three content updates would be hard acts to follow, you clearly haven't heard enough about the upcoming...