The MOP Up: EVE Echoes racks up one million players

It looks like CCP's newest mobile game is already a smash hit. According to the studio, EVE Echoes has already crossed one million players -- and counting. Of course, that doesn't mean that EVE Online is being abandoned. Just the opposite, in fact, if you take a look at all of the patches that have hit the game in August. And...

Destiny 2 takes a look at the Prophecy dungeon design and explains the Content Vault

Destiny 2 appears to be wearing its MMO-ness like a snuggly coat if a couple of recent articles are to be believed, what with its love affair for dungeon design and its upcoming system that will lock up old content to keep things in the world fresh. In one, we get a close look at the design of the...
what wait what

Jukebox Heroes: Great tunes from Destiny’s first soundtrack

Is there any MMO soundtrack that arrived with such incredible expectations and baggage as Destiny? If so, I can't recall it. We have not only the legacy of Halo's scores (which are for some gamers the only soundtrack they know and revere) but also the saga of Composer Martin O'Donnell's firing and the boon of picking up (of all...

RuneScape introduces the Alchemical Hydrix gem, OSRS seeks feedback for its Trailblazer League

The staff at MOP were very kind to leave me the duty of handling the Jagex bundle of news updates as a welcome back from my week-long internet outage, it seems. Thaaaaanks, guuuuys. The week gone in RuneScape saw the introduction of the Alchemical Hydrix, a powerful gem that is used for two pieces of particularly potent jewelry: the Brooch...

One Shots: Today’s forecast is foggy with a light chance of dragons

The other day I was at the zoo watching a Siberian Tiger stalk around its exhibit, and I was thinking, "If I encountered that thing in the wild, I would nope out of Russia so fast that it would leave skid marks." Now, just imagine what it's like to live in countries where seeing dragons casually flapping around the place....
Sorry, guys.

The Daily Grind: Are there any languishing MMOs you’re still hopeful will recover?

You know, I was pretty down with the long wait for Final Fantasy XIV's most recent patch, but I have nothing on Secret World Legends fans. I had to wait two months longer than planned. They have been waiting for what feels like it has been four hundred years, and there's no sign of hope on the horizon. And...

Battle Bards Episode 175: Prehistoric jams

Having perfected their musical time machine, the Battle Bards leap back to the past to enjoy the soundscapes of dinosaurs and other prehistoric denizens. What does the MMO soundtrack for savage wildlands and dinotopias sound like? Tune into today’s episode and find out! Battle Bards is a the world’s first, best, and only MMO music podcast. Biweekly episodes alternate between examining...

Star Citizen Live discusses future updates, weapons, and features for FPS gameplay

What's next for shooting people with your handheld weaponry in Star Citizen? That was the subject of the latest weekly developer roundtable which brought on Jonny Jacevicius and Chris Parry to talk about upcoming features that are in the works for the game's FPS combat. With the addition of less-lethal damage like melee stuns and electron stuns via the recently...
why does this continue

Epic-Apple lawsuit filings reveal Epic’s pre-suit efforts at securing competing payment options

The upcoming legal clash between Apple and Epic Games has mostly featured a competition by Epic to secure mind share, painting the company in general and Fortnite in specific as victims of Apple's overbearing policies through parody ads and a petty competition. Some recently released information as part of a court filing from Apple might damage some of that...

WoW Classic de-layers servers, causing queues to return

World of Warcraft Classic is one big happy family again -- but maybe not quite that happy. Following a decision to re-implement layering tech this past April to handle overpopulation issues, Blizzard announced on Friday that it was removing these layers for all of the realms. "Over the weeks since several high-population realms were configured to allow two layers, and therefore...