
Fallout 76 patches in a new public event and the communal Brotherhood of Steel base building effort

I'll be honest, the only reason I enjoy the Brotherhood of Steel is that they have neat toys, which I suspect would be a prime reason for Fallout 76 players to join in on the community goal of building a Brotherhood of Steel base, which is something that can now be done with the latest update. In addition to helping...

Choose My Adventure: The absurd tsunami that is AdventureQuest 3D

Let's see... I was flung across the world, I fought an extremely hyperactive unicorn bro, I nearly got defeated by chickens, and I fought a monstrous tree stump that spoke only in puns. And that was just the beginning of my AdventureQuest 3D adventures. To be honest, I was expecting plenty of silliness. I used to play this game back...
Faires past

Final Fantasy XIV will be down for 24 hours for patch 5.3 maintenance

Get anything you need to have done in Final Fantasy XIV done before August 10th. Anything you want done before the patch, at least, because that's when patch 5.3 comes roaring on to the game's servers with a 24-hour long maintenance window. Yes, it starts at 6:00 a.m. EDT on August 10th and ends at 6:00 a.m. EDT on...

Not So Massively: First impressions of StarCraft II’s co-op prestige system

Last week, StarCraft II celebrated its tenth anniversary by launching the major 5.0 patch. With it came the new "prestige" system for co-op mode, offering a wealth of new strategic options for every commander. It would take weeks -- if not months -- to explore all the new options in detail, but for now I can give you my initial...

Yet another Ubisoft executive is out of a job in the wake of ongoing sexual misconduct allegations

Ubisoft is still feeling the effects of sexual harassment allegations at the executive level as Tommy Francois, VP of editorial and creative services, is how gone from the company entirely. Francois was previously put on administrative leave in June and widely reported to have left earlier this week, though Gamasutra's source says he was in fact fired for cause. Francois...

Trove interview: Gamigo on console’s future, Bomber Royale, and the next class for a revamp

With Trove's fifth birthday and its Delves expansion now behind it, we're curious about what's next for the game. Gamigo's Cornelia and Coby - Product Manager and Game Designer on Trove, respectively - kindly chatted with us about that and a few other burning questions, like what's up with console, which class is next up for a Tomb Raider-esque...
Holiday road.

Phantasy Star Online Director on working on the original: ‘The pressure was intense’

We wouldn't have Phantasy Star Online 2 without the original Phantasy Star Online - not just because numbers work like that, but because a big part of what made PSO2 possible was the foundational work done on PSO. A new interview with director Takao Miyoshi looking back on the original includes, among other things, his admission that if he...
It's on my list of 'things you did wrong,' yeah.

Blizzard staffers agitate against poor worker pay as Activision-Blizzard rakes in billions

Blizzard's labor practices have been under scrutiny over the last couple of years, propelled in large part due to mass-layoffs at the top of 2019 that coincided with Blizzard's "historic" $7.5B revenue haul. Apparently, those who survived the layoffs haven't given up agitating, as a new report on Bloomberg covers the World of Warcraft, Diablo, and Overwatch employees' efforts...

New World wraps up ‘density test,’ and the community is impressed

With all the activity flitting about Amazon's New World these days, you wouldn't think that the upcoming MMORPG has been delayed all the way into 2021. This past weekend, the studio ran a "density" (read "stress") test to prepare the servers for the promised pre-order preview that's coming later this month. Said density test has now concluded. And while there...

Lord of the Rings Online opens the doors to Rohan housing and Helm’s Deep

It's always a momentous occasion in Lord of the Rings Online when a brand-new type of housing is added to the servers, and today's may be even more so. The long-awaited Rohan housing is now open for purchase, offering themed premium houses for players to inhabit. Update 27.2 adds two Rohan neighborhoods with regular and deluxe housing: the pastoral Kingstead...