PSA: ArcheAge is giving away five days of patron time this weekend
Psst! Hey kid, want some free... game time? Sure you do! All the hip cats are doing it, and you can get your first...
Meta: Got any questions for Camelot Unchained’s Mark Jacobs?
Sure, you could hassle City State Entertainment's Mark Jacobs down here in our comments and goad him into posting lengthy Camelot Unchained and industry treatises....
Crowfall demos new full-screen character viewport and more UI tweaks
Crowfall UX design lead Billy Garretsen has a new State of the UI video out today in which he discusses the changes to the...
Allods promises patch by the end of March, announces collector’s edition
Is it strange for an MMO to be coming out with a collector's edition years after its launch? Allods Online doesn't think so, apparently,...
The Stream Team: Looking at Landmark’s latest wipe
Landmark's big spring update dropped this week... and promptly broke. There's already been another wipe! Things have definitely been wonky, but MassivelyOP's MJ has...
Infinite Arms lets you play with toys and video games at the same time
Do you play video games? Well, of course you do, unless you're incredibly lost on the internet right now. But do you -- and...
Daybreak appoints former EA and Zynga exec as new Senior VP of Games
MMO studio Daybreak has a new Senior VP of Games. reports that Larry LaPierre, a 14-year veteran of Electronic Arts and former general manager...
Superdata predicts China will buy up more western gaming publishers
Superdata has released a summary of its research on the worldwide digital games market for February 2016, claiming that the digital games market sales...
Perfect Ten: Most notable console MMORPGs to date
It used to be that hunting for a console MMORPG was one of the most fruitless endeavors known to gamers. The PC was where...
Destiny’s April Update fixates on endgame, revives favorite hunting grounds
Revealed in part on Twitch yesterday, Destiny's April update is heavy on new activities and the Reef devastation storyline in the console pseudo-MMO. Drops...