This is what happens when you give guns to plants.

Guild Wars 2 hopes to reinspire interest in story

It's hard to be a Sylvari in Guild Wars 2 at the moment. After all, the plant people have an undeniable tie to the elder dragon Mordremoth, a tie that even they aren't fully aware of. It makes the time before the launch of Heart of Thorns a perfect time to play through the game's story as a Sylvari...

Black Desert fans are troubled about game changes

When the primary beta process for an upcoming MMO is taking place in another region and language, it's often difficult to understand how the game is shaping up. One Black Desert fansite understands this, which is why it's posted a beta report that traces major changes and design decisions through the different testing phases. These fans are concerned about how...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online sucked me in with werewolves

A couple of weeks ago in Massively Overthinking, we talked about making a game sticky without vertical progression. Although the question was a bit loaded because it kind of assumed that a game couldn't be sticky without vertical progression, I talked about storytelling ideals, such as Star Wars: The Old Republic's storytelling and Neverwinter's Foundry. However, one element that I think...
What's that saying about diving into the past because the present is less interesting?

RIFT chronicles the remaking of the Hammerknell raid

If you came into RIFT late in its life cycle, you missed Hammerknell. If you weren't raiding when Hammerknell was super relevant to the game's upgrade cycle, same deal. The point is that Hammerknell was once a favored raid, but like all endgame content subject to a themepark MMO's ever-expanding cap, it became less relevant. But the next RIFT patch...

Daybreak dev muses about mobile Vanguard diplomacy game

Vanguard's diplomacy system was always one of the most-talked about features of that late fantasy title, using a card minigame to simulate conversational conflict between the character and NPCs. While the game shuttered last July, there may be a possibility brewing of bringing back this beloved system in a mobile format. Daybreak Programmer Timothy Lochner is testing the waters on...
You would think that we'd be tired of hearing stories like this, but mostly we just wish that people weren't dying.

Guild Wars 2 memorializes a fallen mother

Last September, a Guild Wars 2 player shared a story about his departed wife. She died from complications during the birth of the couple's son, and she had been a fellow GW2 player who enjoyed picking up rabbits and wielding a hammer on her character, Hiralyn. It's a tragic story we've all sadly heard before if we've played online...

The Daily Grind: What’s your most memorable MMO noob moment?

I was basically still a kid when I first started playing MMOs, and my first, of course, was the wild west of the newly launched Ultima Online. Completely new to multiplayer games, I rolled up my first character with the fun-sounding tailoring and musicianship skills (no other bard skills -- just musicianship, a passive skill that did nothing alone)....

Not So Massively: Descent’s Kickstarter woes; Heroes of the Storm’s $450K tourney blunder

Descent: Underground has passed the 50% mark on its Kickstarter campaign and promised to add singleplayer to the title but has only four days left to secure over $200,000 US. Path of Exile pulled a hilarious April Fools' Day prank on players and revealed details of its upcoming Act 4 update, including the highly requested loot filter feature. League...

HEX opens PvE content, announces $100K global tournament

Thanks to the latest update, HEX: Shards of Fate fans can now enjoy solo PvE content that boasts 30+ new AI enemies in the digital trading card MMO. Each of the four tiers in The Frost Ring Arena will throw four champions and one boss at players who will battle using either the new PvE cards or any existing...

Those Halo Online modders aren’t scared of Microsoft

Microsoft's recent DMCA takedown notice may have temporarily derailed plans to liberate Halo Online from its Russia-only prison, but the modders responsible for last week's brouhaha aren't giving up. "We're working to improve people's experience, bring it to those who wouldn't have been able to play it anyway," Neoshadow42 explains in an interview at TorrentFreak. "I'd see that as a...