The Stream Team: Friday night Fall Guys

Massively OP's MJ wanted to do something fun for Friday night, so how could she not think of Fall Guys? It was on a very short three-game list for the most fabulous fun and frivolity. Why did it beat out the other two titles? (If you guessed alliteration, you know MJ well!) Tonight MJ will spend the evening as...

Betawatch: Palia’s new owner, The Quinfall’s closed beta

There's been a lot of hay to make when it comes to Palia over the past few months, but I don't think anyone really expected the news of studio Singularity 6 getting bought by Daybreak. On the bright side, that does mean that the new owners are promising to bring the game to launch, so that's something! Meanwhile, The Quinfall...

Paragon spinoff MOBA Predecessor introduces the new characters and ranked mode in latest patches

Since its early access release in March, the MOBA Predecessor has applied plenty of new goodies for players of the Paragon spinoff to enjoy, and that continued this week when Omeda Studios added an all-new character to the mix. Say hello to Terra the Steadfast Bulwark, who would like to axe you a question, and that question is "Do you...

EverQuest II producer’s letter sheds light on August’s Immeasurable Menagerie update

You know, we've got to give Daybreak some credit for really upping the profile of the EverQuest games this past year. Case in point, a lengthy and informative new producer's letter from studio head Jenn Chan that recapped everything that EverQuest II has done this year so far as well as the first inklings of its next big game...

Elite Dangerous updates guardian weapons and addresses Titan multiplayer instability in latest patch

This week brought another small but no less impactful patch to Elite: Dangerous' Thargoid War, and while its adjustments might be granular, they're likely no less important to players engaging with the battle. First, the damage reduction for guardian weapons has been removed from within anti-guardian zones thanks to this patch, effectively applying the anti-guardian zone resistance benefit applied as...

Tencent says it’s compiled ‘over ten thousand suggestions’ to act on in Tarisland

What's happening over in Tarisland right now? Plans. Plans, schemes, and updates. Plans for updates. At least that's the general throughline thanks to a message in the MMORPG's Discord and Twitter. You're welcome to envision Tencent doing this plotting while it steeples its fingers. Or perhaps it slowly pets a fluffy cat. Maybe it watches a shark in an...

The Stream Team: Checking in on the alpha test of MMORPG Corepunk

Last time MOP's Chris tried to livestream the alpha build of Corepunk, the game went down for maintenance, forcing him to change course. Ideally, he'll be able to try the game out once again for all of you! Tune in today at 2:00 p.m. EDT to take a peek! Hopefully! What: Corepunk Who: Chris Neal When: 2:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, July...

SWG Legends rogue server devs say Jedi Themepark part 2 is ‘getting closer and closer’

If you've been wanting a good reason to jump into Star Wars Galaxies Legends to see what the fuss about this 21-year-old MMORPG is, then this'll be a good weekend, as the player devs have kicked off a double-experience event for the holiday. But if you're already a player, you might want to head to the forums to see what...
You have too much junk.

First Impresions: Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail is a dense summer getaway for the MMORPG

I finished up Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail's story a while ago, but I've been spending a couple days turning over what I think about the expansion in my head. It's not that those thoughts are in and of themselves all that hard to sort out, in some ways; sure, there are a lot of them, but I know those...
going so fast like a... whatever

Final Fantasy XIV’s Dawntrail peak player concurrency has apparently topped even Endwalker’s

In case you were still wondering whether Final Fantasy XIV's Dawntrail was a hit with MMORPG gamers, wonder no more, as apparently the game has set a new post-ARR peak concurrency record, not that we're being told exactly what that is. "I would like to thank you all for your patience and cooperation in dealing with server congestion during the...

Star Citizen makes efforts on NPC AI, vehicle destruction, missions, and server meshing

We're back once again with another Star Citizen monthly report, and it looks as if efforts by CIG for the month of June have been focused on getting toward alpha 4.0 and several important tech features. A great deal of the opening paragraphs for the monthly write-up focus on NPC AI, with a focus on better enemy group reactions, the...

CCP Games CEO says making EVE Online’s dev platform open source cements the MMO’s legacy

EVE Online developer CCP Games is planning on making its Carbon development platform open source sometime later this year, which will grant interested developers access to the Carbon engine that powers the sci-fi MMO, all with an eye on " up game development to everyone" according to CCP CEO Hilmar Petursson. This move might naturally elicit the question of why,...

Ashes of Creation is ‘close’ to Alpha 2, shows off server meshing tech

If there are two things that we know for certain about Ashes of Creation's second alpha test, it's that (1) Intrepid Studios really loves talking up its features, and (2) Intrepid Studios hasn't given fans a hard date for the alpha's release. However, this may change in the near future, as Creative Director Steven Sharif said that the test is...

The Daily Grind: Are you reluctant to start new MMORPGs?

When I sat down a few weeks ago to play Tarisland - whenever I sit down to play any new MMORPG, really - I had a weird mixture of feelings. First is that rush of wonder from any new toy, of knowing there's a great world out there to explore and a new character to make and new experiences...

Massively Overthinking: Do you have a ‘mental block’ in MMORPGs?

Back in June, MMO blogger Belghast from Tales of the Aggronaut penned a fun blog about having had a mental block against tanking. "Something happened though during Shadowbringers that sort of broke me. I am not sure how or why it happened, but I stopped being willing to queue for random groups with strangers. I would still be willing to...

Whatever happened to ‘nostalgic’ 2-D MMO Kakele Online?

If you are thirsty for some old school MMO vibes in a more modern package and don't mind dipping into the shallow end of the population pool, then Kakele Online may be worth a look. This free-to-play cross-platform 2-D MMO bills itself as a "nostalgic" experience with no pay-to-win elements and a pretty cute pixel art style. Kakele Online released...

The Stream Team: Celebrating the 8th AQ3D-iversary

As of today, Massively OP's MJ has been enjoying AdventureQuest 3D for eight years! So she decided to celebrate in Lore on her 8th AQ3D-iversary instead waiting for her regular Friday night adventures. What will said celebration involve? There are plenty of quests to catch up on and housing items to obtain. Not to mention, some Mo helms and...

Midnight Murder Club is a multiplayer FPS game of deadly hide-and-seek inside a pitch-black mansion

What happens when six people are given firearms, then told to enter a completely dark mansion filled with traps to kill one another? You get a fun new multiplayer game, obviously. This is the broad strokes setup for Midnight Murder Club, a deadly game of first-person shooting hide-and-seek from developer Velan Studios. "Trust your senses and overcome your fears as...
in awe of the size of this lad

Vague Patch Notes: The stuff that has me excited about Stars Reach

Raph Koster is a smart guy. Not just an experienced one (he's that, too), but a smart one. The man knows his stuff front to back, and while there are things on which I may disagree with him, it's not like it comes from a place of disrespect. Having said that, I know Stars Reach is not exactly 100%...
Like this, but more tablet.

Ankama’s Waven is now available in early access for mobile devices

Are you reading this on a mobile device right now, like a tablet or your phone? Are you doing so because you believe you have no option but to do so because you can't be playing Waven right now? Well, good news: The game is now available in early access on mobile devices as well! That means you could,...