
Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

Overwatch 2 is (still) getting absolutely pummeled on Steam

There's an old adage that goes, "All publicity is good publicity." It's not an infallible statement, though, because we can't imagine that any company...

The Daily Grind: What’s your ideal MMO aesthetic?

I had to giggle a while back when a Blizzard developer described Diablo IV's aesthetic as "dark noodles." That's just so perfect, and it...

Diablo IV patches up to address issues with Druid skills, quests, dungeons, and UI

Apparently there were a whole lot of bugs crawling around in Diablo IV, and not the kind that you would explode with your chosen...

One Shots: Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got

At the end of a busy and exhausting day of clobbering kobolds and cleaning up after dragons, the need to crash at a comfy...
Cutty time

World of Warcraft’s patch 1.14.4 adds in the new honor system for Classic on August 22

Do you hate dealing with the fact that your biggest opponent in the Honor system in WoW Classic is other players? Probably, since that...
Through the fire and the flames

WoW Factor: Potential destinations for the next World of Warcraft expansion

We have a BlizzCon coming up in November. This strikes me as a phenomenally bad idea, like someone proposed it in a meeting to...

Not So Massively: Despite everything, Overwatch 2’s story missions deliver an epic experience

After a long wait, a tortured development, a great deal of cutting back on features, and endless controversy, the PvE update for Overwatch 2...
Burn me twice.

Overwatch 2’s Invasion PvE makes both devs and players regret what could’ve been

Normally, the release of a hefty amount of content would be a cause for celebration and unannounced days off work. But when it comes...

Global Chat: Fresh voices on the MMO blogging circuit

It's August, which means that it's also Blaugust -- an annual celebration of blogging! For this month, experienced bloggers and newbies alike are joining...

Diablo Immortal launches a PvP event, temporarily changes gem drop rates, and makes its PC release

Today marks another update for Diablo Immortal that brings a host of events and updates for the mobile OARPG. Or at least the formerly...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: Every expansion era of World of Warcraft ranked

For a long time, I have been considering this particular column just because, well, it's an obvious one. If you have a column whose...
Oh, yeah, things are going super, we lied.

Overwatch 2: Invasion gets a trailer ahead of its release on Thursday

We don't really need to recount the whole saga of how badly Overwatch 2 has bungled things with its PvE content because we've been...

Diablo IV bans seasonal character exploiters as patch 1.1.1 finally arrives

It likely won't come as a surprise to anyone that Diablo IV fans pulled against the yoke of the Season of the Malignant restriction...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 432: Palia breaks through to the other side

Justin and Bree discuss Palia's soft launch, WoW Classic hardcore realms, ArcheAge 2, ArcheAge's future, Ashfall, and Nightingale, with adventures in LOTRO, STO, SWG Legends, and Palia, plus a mailbag topic on mundane but enjoyable MMO activities.

Blizzard’s Warcraft Arclight Rumble is soft launching as Warcraft Rumble

Back in May of last year, Blizzard announced a new game in its pipeline: Warcraft Arclight Rumble, a mobile strategy title using the familiar...
Sunset on original ideas.

Here’s how WoW Classic’s hardcore mode will work when it launches August 24

With World of Warcraft Classic's hardcore realms now officially launching August 24th, Blizzard has penned a dev blog reminding players just what to expect....

World of Warcraft is delivering its next patch, Fury Incarnate, on September 5

If you're sitting in your computer chair vibrating excitedly for Night Elf and Forsaken heritage armor to be in the live version of World...

First Impressions: Palia is missing the depth MMO life-skillers are hoping for

"Life-sims" are another of those game genres that I like in theory, but less so in practice. Most have graphical styles I find off-putting,...

This WoW Classic addon adds AI-generated voiceover to every quest NPC in the game

There is a lot of quest text to read through in World of Warcraft Classic, so the prevailing solution has been to absolutely blitz...

Overwatch 2 enlists John Cena to hawk August’s PvE story missions – and the associated bundle purchase

It would appear as if Overwatch 2 is going to some lengths to promote August 10th's Invasion update. Blizzard decided to introduce a hacker...