Official Site:Â Overwatch
Studio:Â Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date:Â May 24, 2016
Genre: Team-Based OFPS
Business Model:Â B2P
Platform:Â PC, Xbox One, PS4
Overwatch’s Winter Wonderland and Hearthstone’s Winter Veil events go live
For those who like to celebrate the season by blowing away enemy teams or playing card games, it is now the most wonderful time...
Ask Mo: The hits and misses of MassivelyOP’s 2020 predictions
Last December, when we sat down to write out our annual MMO predictions for 2020, I don't think anyone had "biggest global pandemic in...
Massively OP’s 2020 Awards: Best MMO Trend of 2020
MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for Best MMO Trend of 2020, which last year went to the rise of...
End-of-Year Eleven: The healthiest live MMOs going into 2021
It is only natural that, when you are shopping around for a different MMORPG to play, to consider the health of potential play candidates....
The MOP Up: Crossout drives onto an island
Here's a useful tip from Crossout: It's dangerous to drive your car in water! This comes from the game's newest "Clean Island" patch, which...
Npixel reveals stunning ‘space-time’ MMORPG Chrono Odyssey
If you like Gran Saga but want something a bit less cartoony, you're going to want to feast your eyes on the second MMO...
The MOP Up: Shadow Arena pings instead of pongs
Pearl Abyss' Shadow Arena got a lot more friendly this past month thanks to an improved ping system and the addition of login rewards.
Overwatch floats ‘priority passes’ while Hearthstone brings back the Darkmoon Faire
Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan clearly got out of the house this past week, donned his iconic sunglasses, and addressed the community in a...
World of Warcraft: Free BlizzCon, dev swap, and Revendreth preview
Blizzard President J. Allen Brack posted an interesting "fireside chat" yesterday to talk about what's going on with the studio and its games in...
Activision-Blizzard Q3 2020: Blizzard MAUs fell to 30M as overall ActiBlizz revenues hold steady
It's time for another round of Activision-Blizzard financials as today covers Q3 2020. It's been a weird couple of years for the company as...
The MOP Up: Phantasy Star Online 2 hands out more treats than tricks
Phantasy Star Online 2 fans can log in this week to enjoy a nice burst of additional content, including the fourth and fifth chapters...
Overwatch’s Halloween Terror is back once again with new cosmetics and challenge missions
The well-known (and regularly repeated) Halloween event of Overwatch is back once again. It's time for Halloween Terror 2020, bringing along the usual Junkenstein's...
Not So Massively: Reflections on Blizzard, one year after the Hong Kong fiasco
Almost exactly a year ago, I declared that the Blizzard I loved is dead, in reaction to the Blitzchung/Hearthstone/Hong Kong fiasco.
Twelve months later, that...
Global Chat: Why is LOTRO charging for its fall update?
Roger over at Contains Moderate Peril recently ducked into the upcoming DLC for Lord of the Rings Online to see what it contained and...
SuperData August 2020: Fall Guys dethroned League of Legends, pushed WoW to its lowest rank in over a year
SuperData's August global revenue report for the games industry has more than a few eyebrow-raisers this week. On the PC side of things, World...
Overwatch is all about Tracer with a new comic book series and special event
It's certainly arguable that Overwatch poster girl Tracer gets plenty of attention on her own, but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve a bit...
Not So Massively: The dos and don’ts of stealing from MMOs
Recently I played through the new PC port of the open world RPG Horizon Zero Dawn. While playing it, I was struck by how...
The Daily Grind: What’s your most embarrassing MMO fail story?
A while back my husband was playing Overwatch when he was in a match with two guys who obviously knew each other and both...
MMO Business Roundup: Gamers have launched a new class action gambling lawsuit against EA
Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and online games industry news.
There's a new class action in town, and EA is the target. Plaintiff...
Check out Sims 4 builds for living in Dalaran or Darnassus… or in a world of Overwatch
You probably do not want to live in Darnassus in World of Warcraft. For one thing, it's on fire. For another, even when it...