
The Bethesda Softworks sub-studio responsible for The Elder Scrolls Online.

Elder Scrolls Online is celebrating Morrowind with special drops and sales

Antsy for the launch of Wrathstone? Elder Scrolls Online has an idea: send ya back to Morrowind! No really, it's all part of the...

Choose My Adventure: Stunning vistas and snotty elves in Elder Scrolls Online’s Summerset

Choose My Adventure is slowly becoming a source of delight for me, especially if I'm able to play games like The Elder Scrolls Online....

Elder Scrolls Online class reps discuss upcoming racial changes, itemization, and more

A few days ago, the folks at ZeniMax Online Studios held a call with their Elder Scrolls Online class reps, and some of the...

Steam’s Lunar New Year Sale is offering a discount on your first $30 in purchases

Sure why not let's do a Lunar New Year sale on Steam. Any excuse for a party! Valve and co. has done more than...

Elder Scrolls Online is handing out extra race-change and name-change tokens with balancing update

If you were one of the Elder Scrolls Online players a bit concerned over the game's upcoming race/class combo balance, take heart: ZeniMax has...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Wrathstone dives back into Oblivion for dungeon inspiration

One of the dungeons launching in next month's Elder Scrolls Online Wrathstone DLC is Depths of Malatar, a four-man romp featured in ZeniMax's latest...

The Stream Team: Saving Swims-at-Night in The Elder Scrolls: Legends

Massively OP's MJ has finally caught up with those no good bandits that kidnapped Swims-at-Night in The Elder Scrolls: Legends. Can she rescue him?...

Elder Scrolls Online players run extensive tests to highlight character race disparities

Do you ever worry that you chose poorly when it came to picking an MMO race? For some Elder Scrolls Online players, this fear...

Choose My Adventure: Where Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen meet

I'm going to attempt to connect apples and oranges here. In my final days with Elite Dangerous for CMA, I have actually managed to...

The Stream Team: Working toward an Isle of Madness visit in The Elder Scrolls Legends

The Isle of Madness expansion launched today in The Elder Scrolls: Legends, and Massively OP's MJ really wants to go there. However, she's currently...

Sheogorath returns as Elder Scrolls Legends launches the Isle of Madness expansion

Elder Scrolls Legends has officially rolled out Isle of Madness today, the next chapter for the MMOTCG. According to Bethesda, it's the game's largest...

Leaderboard: Are you all-in for Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr?

Elder Scrolls Online's Elsweyr is not exactly what I wanted - I'm a Hammerfell and Morrowind girl - but we already got Morrowind, so...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 205: Dragons and other MMO rarities

Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online's Elsweyr, Breach, Nexon, ArcheAge, Pantheon, FFXIV, SWG Legends, CrossCode, and the harms of early access.

Leaderboard: Do you think Bethsoft is going to take Fallout 76 free-to-play?

One of the claims floating around Reddit and YouTube is the claim that stores across the globe, from the UK to Australia to even...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Wrathstone DLC has hit the PTS – here’s what to expect

Boom! Elder Scrolls Online players have known about the Wrathstone DLC for only a week, and now here we are welcoming its arrival on...
In we go.

Global Chat: The big question mark of Anthem

What's the biggest gaming unknown for you going into 2019? For MMO blogger Cary at Virtual Bastion, it's whether or not BioWare is going to...

Elder Scrolls Online is not launching a swag-stuffed physical collector’s edition of Elsweyr

One of the announcements oddly missing from the Elder Scrolls Online's Elsweyr hoopla earlier this week was one about physical swag for the collector's...

Massively Overthinking: What would you want out of a World of Warcraft 2?

Let's pretend for a moment that the reason Blizzard appears to be dropping the ball with World of Warcraft right now is that it's...

Tamriel Infinium: Examining the features (and hype!) of Elder Scrolls Online’s Season of the Dragon

I have mixed feelings about dragons coming to Elder Scrolls Online. Originally, we knew that we would not see them because they were hibernating...

Elder Scrolls Online’s racial abilities are getting revamped in update 21

One of the things that the folks at Zenimax are focusing on in The Elder Scrolls Online's upcoming update 21 is balancing the passive...