action combat

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DC Universe Online’s GU80 is a big boon for hoarders

The grandly named but modestly sized Game Update 80 has rolled out for DC Universe Online players this week. Daybreak says it's tweaked inventory...

Blade & Soul brings single-player and group challenges to the Emperor’s Tomb

Dare you enter the forbidden Emperor's Tomb in Blade & Soul on March 21st? You probably do dare, since you always do the opposite...

Check out TERA’s console features preview video ahead of this weekend’s beta

Still pumped for TERA's Xbox One and PS4 launch this spring? En Masse sure is. The publisher has pushed out a new trailer today...

One Shots: This is too weird for even me

I like to think that I have a fairly open mind when it comes to accepting strange sights and races in fantasy MMORPGs, but...

Fire and blood rains down on Blade & Soul

The only thing worse than one overpowering force hellbent on revenge... is two. This is the threat coming to Blade and Soul with its...

Funcom reports that 2017 was the most profitable year in its history

With significantly higher revenue and sales coming in 2017, Funcom announced to its investors that it just came off the most profitable year in...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 159: Panda punching

Justin and Bree discuss all the new stuff coming in March, plus news from TERA, RIFT Prime, H1Z1, Black Desert, Guild Wars 2, and secret projects, with mailbag questions on the fast pace of the site and MMO terminology.

The Stream Team: Doing double XP week on Age of Conan’s Saga of Zath server

Massively OP's MJ may never care much about leveling fast, but that doesn't mean she won't enjoy a good double XP event! In honor...

The Daily Grind: Given H1Z1’s plight, are you worried about Daybreak?

Last week, it became clear that H1Z1 has forfeited a ton of ground in the battle over battle royale games as it's lost 90%...
Making my way no matter how bad it looks.

Choose My Adventure: Farewell to Project Gorgon

Out of all the titles that I've played for Choose My Adventure, Project Gorgon is probably the earliest in its development cycle. It's also,...

TERA introduces new lootboxes for purchase, and they’re full of money

A lot of games have found ways to play with the idea of buying gold, usually with some form of currency exchange regulated by...
We're dragons!

TERA’s Xbox One and PS4 open beta lands March 9

If you can put that poor panda from yesterday out of your mind, TERA has some fantastic news coming at you today: After several...

Age of Conan’s saga server shares class distribution chart

If you've rolled up a Dark Templar on Age of Conan's newish saga server, then just know that you're not alone. At level 80,...

TERA’s Male Brawler class gets a March 13 release date

To celebrate the latest class to be added to En Masse's TERA, the studio released a short trailer of a gauntleted fist beating the...

The MOP Up: FFXIV’s Eorzean Symphony (February 18, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: First steps into a wider world

Every MMORPG player knows that there is something incredible and magical in the feeling that you get when you take your very first steps...

The Stream Team: Converting to Set on Age of Conan’s Zath server

After starting another Priestess of Mitra on Age of Conan's new Saga of Zath server, Massively OP's MJ had a change of heart. She...

Bless Online interview: Soft launch plans, why Gamigo bowed out, and avoiding pay-to-win

Bless Online is one of the biggest MMORPGs we're expecting to launch in the west in 2018. Over the last six years, we've watched...

The MOP Up: Black Desert’s Ninja arrives in Southeast Asia (February 11, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPGs should stay away from legacy servers?

Legacy, vanilla, classic, progression - call them what you like, but alternative server rulesets, particularly of the nostalgia-driven kind, are all the rage in...