
Guild Wars 2 initially aims for a small desert borderlands WvW test

Even as Guild Wars 2 players are diligently farming zones in the hopes of obtaining a Heart of Thorns PvE beta key, ArenaNet is...

Why Eternal Crusade can’t do a global megaserver

The dream to create a PvP-centric game on a single global megaserver might be just that -- a dream. Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade Senior Producer...

Talking with Trion about the future of Trove

If you dismissed Trove early on as an insignificant game or a thinly veiled Minecraft clone, then it might be time to take a...

Land of Britain creates card game to fund the MMO

Land of Britain may be a long way off from launch, but that hasn't stopped Potato Killer Studios for developing a spin-off online card...

Blizzard still succeeding despite World of Warcraft slide

There's no doubt that Blizzard took a mighty hit this past quarter as it lost three million World of Warcraft subscribers in the post-expansion,...
Do you want Borg? Because that's how you get Borg.

How Skyforge’s invasion system works

The world of Skyforge does not sound like a fun place to live. In addition to everything else that people have to deal with...

Skyforge boasts big beta numbers

With the first two Skyforge closed beta tests out of the way and the third one currently running, it's of course time for The...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s beta drop RNG

Never before have I seen Guild Wars 2's Dry Top and the Silverwastes hive with such activity as we've seen this week. In case...

Plan out your Guild Wars 2 specializations with this tool

One of the big changes coming with Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the revamp of the trait system into the new specializations....
This could be fun by itself, too.

Everything you need to know about Crowfall’s combat testing

As nifty as Crowfall's mechanical goals are, they're not going to help the game much in the long run if the fundamental combat engine...

Pantheon boasts Unity 5 visuals, prepares internal alpha test

Could it be that Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is starting to look... really pretty? A new in-game screenshot of Avendyr's Pass shows how...

Shroud of the Avatar adds first player-run town in release 17

Release 17 for Shroud of the Avatar has landed, bringing with it one of the most revolutionary additions to the game yet: paver decorations...

Win an Echo of Soul closed beta pack from Massively OP [All gone!]

Free-to-play Korean action-MMO Echo of Soul lands in North American closed beta today. If you're eager to play, then you might just get a...

SkySaga opens up the desert for Alpha 4

A new biome is coming to SkySaga with its fourth alpha test: the desert. Of course, this being SkySaga and all, the desert promises...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: May 2, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Pathfinder Online made some noise about the future of its settlements feature. Goblinworks CEO Ryan Dancey also made...
Still kicking!

Betawatch: May 1st, 2015

So why isn't Pathfinder Online attracting more players? Goblinworks CEO Ryan Dancey apparently feels that it's a matter of the game's fans not stumping...

Skyforge’s PvP promotes skill over gear

One of the Holy Grails of PvP in MMOs is to emphasize player skill over all else, including gear. It's a difficult route to...
How could this have failed? Oh, right, in every fashion.

Pathfinder Online details the future of settlements

The War of Towers in Pathfinder Online was always a placeholder mechanic, something to hold players over before the full Settlement system was in...

Enjoy an exclusive look at Cabal II’s PvP battlefields

If you're a PvP junkie, you're going to want to give Cabal II careful consideration as a possible future playground. ESTsoft released a new...

See Black Desert’s Plum Flower fighter in action

She's fast, she's furious, and she will cut you to ribbons if you're standing in her way. She's the Plum Flower, the female version...