black desert

Official Site: Black Desert (EN), Black Desert (KR)
Studio: Pearl Abyss/Daum Games
Launch Date: March 3, 2016
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Sandbox
Business Model: B2P (Cash Shop) in the West (F2P elsewhere)
Platform: PC

The MOP Up: Skyforge’s new raid (October 11, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Oh, bother.

Betawatch: October 2nd, 2015

Bad news for fans of elegant turns on the dance floor and all of the delicious accompanying politics that Ever, Jane promised - the...

Black Desert’s Russian beta starts October 12

Can you read Russian? Me neither, but I can read Reddit as well as the big date on the top of Black Desert's Russian...

Black Desert teases the awakening weapon system

Weapon choice, or lack thereof, is one MMO topic that doesn't seem to come up very much. Some games allow players to select from...

The Daily Grind: Will you play Bless or Black Desert?

I'm looking forward to both Bless and Black Desert. I typically like Korean MMOs, for one thing, and for another they're both gorgeous in...

You can have a heat stroke in Black Desert’s desert

Did you know that Black Desert features a heat stroke DoT? Apparently it does, as Steparu had to chug a few health potions while...

Black Desert’s Ninja gets a new trailer

Earlier this week we heard about Black Desert's new Ninja class. Today, developer Pearl Abyss and publisher Daum have released a new trailer for...
nin nin

Black Desert’s getting a Ninja and class weapon swapping

Black Desert is getting a Ninja class on its South Korean server before the month is out. MMO Culture reports that the new archetype...
This is almost like owning a thing.

Betawatch: August 21st, 2015

Revival isn't yet in closed beta or closed alpha or even really in pre-alpha, but it is letting players walk around the houses they...

This is how you leave Black Desert feedback

If you've ever thought about leaving useful beta feedback for the developers of an MMO that you care about, Black Desert fan Kinto has...

This Russian Black Desert trailer is worryingly appealing

I should have learned my lesson after the debacle that was ArcheAge, but a part of me is still somewhat excited to play the western...
What're you doing here?

Black Desert’s western community manager is interviewed, doesn’t say much

Are you interested in Black Desert? If so, a new interview with the game's western community manager might be worth a read. Or it might...
Tragically, thieves stole most of her clothing.

Black Desert releases the Kunoichi class

If you're a fan of sneaking past enemies before exploding out of stealth with throat-stabbing fervor, you might be the ideal player for Black...
Hooray, the hype train is finally going to die, then?

Black Desert publisher opens European office in Amsterdam

So when does the rest of the world get to try out Black Desert? We don't know. But that day seems to be getting...

Videos offer impressions of Black Desert’s new Valencia region

While fans in the North American market can't jump in check out Black Desert's latest update (the game needs to launch here first!), they...

MMO Burnout: Why I want an Assassin’s Creed MMO

I play a fair amount of single-player stuff when I'm not playing MMOs, and at the risk of outing myself as one of those...

Black Desert gets a major update on July 23rd

Would you like to have a large patch to the nascent Black Desert? "No," you said, "I'd like to have an idea about when...

Betawatch: July 10th, 2015

Star Citizen managed to seize everyone's attention this week. Was it the opening of a new office for the game's development studio? The latest...

Black Desert video review rips MMO beta as a ‘shallow game’

When it comes to MMO betas, don't you usually want to cut through the hype and hysteria to get at the truth of whether...
Some people just won't let go.

Betawatch: July 3rd, 2015

I freely admit that I never actually played Glitch, but I was glad it existed and sad at the people who never even had...