blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

I'm going to master letting this play instead of me.

WoW Classic sees another 40,000 accounts banned for botting and RMT as cases surge

The war against the hungry bot horde continues in WoW Classic. Shortly after Blizzard gave 74,000 accounts the boot, the devs have once again...
In a world of human wreckage.

This week in why we can’t have nice things: Method, EA, and Ubisoft

The fallout from June's games industry abuse and assault call-outs continues. Let's start with Method, the guild that's been driving World of Warcraft's competitive scene...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: World of Warcraft’s multicolored elf rainbow

Remember how I managed to get an entire column out of all the different flavors of troll within World of Warcraft? Except I kind...
All things go, all things go.

The Daily Grind: What does World of Warcraft actually do well?

We all know that World of Warcraft gets its fair share of criticism and grumpy rants, particularly in this Battle for Azeroth era. And...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 278: Patchy McPatchface

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, DDO, Pantheon, SWTOR, BDO, and Blade & Soul, with adventures in SWG Legends, LOTRO, and WoW, plus mailbag topics on ship combat and inventory annoyances.

NCsoft MOBA Master x Master should’ve turned three years old in the west this month

Way back in 2014 on Old Massively, our team began covering Master x Master, a new MOBA by NCsoft, then in beta in South...

World of Warcraft’s summer sale marks Battle for Azeroth down to $20

The sun is hot, the ice cream is melting all over the car seat, and Blizzard is looking to make a few bucks by...
We represent the short-term planning guild!

Ahn’qiraj content unlocks on July 28 in World of Warcraft: Classic

Missed your chance to become the Scarab Lord in World of Warcraft? Well, you'll have another shot on July 28th in WoW Classic when...
Alive again!

Blizzard celebrates 20 years of Diablo II

It brought us memes, it brought us Necromancers, it brought us farming for loot, and it theoretically brought us a showdown against evil creatures...
Bad plans.

Global Chat: Too many shipwrecks in MMOs

In the vast annals of MMO tropes, there's one that has been in front of you all along and you've probably never noticed: shipwrecking...

The Game Archaeologist: When World of Warcraft opened Ahn’Qiraj’s gates

This past month, Blizzard has been testing what might well be the milestone moment for World of Warcraft Classic: The Ahn'Qiraj gates event. In...
Make them fight.

Vague Patch Notes: MOBAs, battle royales, and shallow genre pools in the online gaming space

This past week, Nintendo announced Pokemon Unite, and then I had to go to see a doctor because I rolled my eyes so far...

Diablo IV shows off the development of its open world and item progression

It's going to be a while before Diablo IV is in the hands of players, but the team is certainly keeping at work even...

The Daily Grind: How did your early MMOs shape your expectations for the MMOs you play now?

I was chatting with MOP reader and commenter Bruno Brito a while back when something he said about player expectations in MMOs struck me....

Massively Overthinking: Does playing MMORPGs ever stress you out?

"Anyone ever feel stressed out about playing MMOs?" MOP's Carlo queried our team this week. "This new Black Desert season is stressing me out...

The latest gaming industry #metoo callouts impact Twitch, MMOs, MOBAs, and esports

The gaming industry is seeing a second wave - a second wave of the #metoo movement, that is. As we covered earlier this week,...
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW Factor: How do we make a good Warcraft movie?

Sometimes, dear readers, things simply do not line up. I really have a long piece I'm looking forward to doing, and then Blizzard does...
Shoulder touch.

World of Warcraft’s latest Shadowlands build includes profession updates, dungeon journals, and customization

Another alpha update has hit World of Warcraft's test servers, and this one wound up with a few technical issues ensuring that the alpha...
Don't call me Kyle right now.

Overwolf details the changes coming for Curseforge and using World of Warcraft addons

So what's going to happen with Curseforge and your precious, precious World of Warcraft addons? You need those to play! For those who missed...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 277: All the wonder in the ‘verse

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, WoW Classic, Black Desert, Star Wars Squadrons, DC Universe Online, Torchlight III, and Anarchy Online, with adventures in RIFT, SWG Legends, and The Outer Worlds, and mailbag topics on LOTRO leveling, MUDs, and the next generation of MMO fans.