blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

Another Overwatch L.

Blizzard awarded $8.5M in Bossland WoW and Overwatch bot lawsuit

German bot company Bossland has lost another battle in its war with Blizzard, though that's to be expected since it didn't even show up...
The Olympic committee looks really different now.

Blizzard has opened an e-sports stadium in Taiwan

Blizzard already has an unlicensed amusement park -- so why not a licensed stadium? That's indeed exactly what the company has built in Taiwan. The...
Again, again, again.

World of Warcraft activates the mage tower, starts looking ahead to Patch 7.2.5

Now that Patch 7.2 is out for World of Warcraft, what's next on Blizzard's plate? Other than last night's hotfixes, that is. The studio...

Overwatch teases new content hinging on the King’s Row Uprising

Blizzard has begin teasing its next... something... for Overwatch both on social media and in cryptic messages to press. Reddit's current theories include everything from...

SuperData examines gambling practices across the online gaming industry

Gambling in video games has been a huge topic for devoted MMORPG players over the last year or so, as core MMOs like Guild...
Sometimes it's about tweaking the right people.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the worst for ‘trash pulls’?

A week or two ago, Blizzard Watch had a post up polling its readers about which trash pulls in WoW they hated the most....

Diablo III launches season 10 for both PC and console

Diablo III's 10th season is officially live as of this weekend, capping off last week's 2.5.0 patch by welcoming console players to the seasonal...

The Game Archaeologist: Rubies of Eventide

I can't say that Rubies of Eventide has been on my radar, like, ever. And yet practically every time I've asked for suggestions of...

One Shots: Avenging angel

When you push a player too far, commit too many crimes, and flaunt your evil with one of those tacky pre-battle speeches, you're going...
how DARE you

The Warcraft Tales add-on project has been shut down by Blizzard

If you were excited about the promise of the World of Warcraft add-on Warcraft Tales, the bad news is that the project has been...

The Soapbox: Why is Pokemon GO still a tech demo?

I've been a bit frustrated with Niantic lately. I love some of its ideas, but I watched someone else play Ingress prior to Pokemon GO's...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: More terminology the MMORPG genre needs

Many moons ago (so, a few months), I wrote a column about terminology that we need for the MMO genre. This made our Editor-in-Chief...
A proud, shamanistic tradition.

The Daily Grind: How much do you really care if your MMORPG is super successful?

Earlier this week, we reported on a SuperData revenue ranking report that showed World of Tanks pulling in more cash than World of Warcraft's...

Massively Overthinking: Competition vs. community in MMOs

Quantic Foundry, the games research group we've been tracking ever since it posted its original Gamer Motivation Model, has a new piece out this...
So who has money?

Destiny 2 launches on PC and console September 8, ‘and there will be a ton of loot’

As teased and prodded and hinted at all week, Destiny 2 is official, and we've finally got a trailer to go with it. Expect...
If we do get a new race, of course, everyone knows my biggest suggestion.

Why World of Warcraft’s item level scaling is really, really, dumb

This has been a very stupid week. I know this because any other week, World of Warcraft completely destroying the reason for acquiring new...

Jukebox Heroes: Your favorite MMO themes, #12-7

It's starting to get serious now. As we well know, people are highly opinionated about everything, but when it comes to music, there seems to...

Heroes of the Storm introduces Diablo II Amazon, major progression and leveling update

"It's a whole new era for Heroes of the Storm," Blizzard has declared in its new HOTS dev video today. That's because the game is...

World of Warcraft implements undocumented item level scaling in patch 7.2

The reward scaling in World of Warcraft has always been pretty straightforward. At the start of the expansion, everything at max level is a...

World of Warcraft 7.2: Tomb of Sargeras is now live

World of Warcraft 7.2: The Tomb of Sargeras is officially live! As we've previously covered (what feels like exhaustively), you can expect to dive into...