
Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

Hearthstone has a big announcement coming in two weeks

Something is afoot over at Hearthstone, but the developers are holding their cards close to their chests, as it were. /rimshot Several media outlets have...
A dark heart of nonsense.

World of Warcraft walks through time to Gundrak

The current expansion for World of Warcraft takes place on a world where there are no trolls, which means that it's unlikely we'll get...

Marvel Heroics: Ten Marvel Heroes resources to bring you from zero to hero

Before a few months ago, the time that I spent in Marvel Heroes was largely uninformed and aimless. I figured it was just a...
this isn't sad at all alexa play dogsong

Overwatch unveils the mysterious Soldier: 76

The big lore dump for Overwatch yesterday did not come from nowhere. Hot on the heels of that article connecting the mysterious Soldier: 76 to the...

The Daily Grind: What keeps you from crafting in MMOs?

To this day, I've really only been a "crafter" in a small handful of MMOs: Fallen Earth, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 21

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Final Fantasy XIV, RIFT 3.3, WoW's patch cycle, Cabal 2's launch, Skyforge's soft launch, and TERA's update, with mailbag questions on hero picks, names, and character gender options.
Let 'em all go to trial, except Soldier 76!

Overwatch blog details the legend behind Jack Morrison

It's a little bit odd, on some level, that Overwatch takes place after the eponymous organization is dead and gone. Not unheard of, no,...
Holy moly.

World of Warcraft asks why you use the Black Market Auction House

It turns out that you can bring the Black Market Auction House to your very own Garrison in World of Warcraft if you so...

Former WildStar dev Stephan Frost is now WoW’s design producer

WildStar lost a lot of dev talent over the past year, but at least one ex-Carbine staffer has landed on his feet. Former WildStar...

That guy who redesigned Guild Wars 2’s UI is now tackling WoW’s website

Remember back in January when an ArenaNet forum user named Amax redesigned the UI for Guild Wars 2? As it turns out, Amax is Gradinar Razvan, who...

The Warcraft movie might become a trilogy

Movie stills aside, we're still waiting to see our first real look at 2016's Warcraft film. The good news is that this will happen...

MMO Week in Review: Playing devils, punching dinos (July 5, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! Trion...

The Game Archaeologist: The 4th Coming

Over the years that I've been writing The Game Archaeologist, I've received more than a few requests to cover a game that was completely...

WoW’s last major Draenor raid is Hellfire Citadel

Warlords of Draenor's last major raid will be Hellfire Citadel, according to an interview with World of Warcraft lead game designer Cory Stockton. Patch...

World of Tanks, SWTOR rocketed up the Raptr chart in May

Raptr's most-played games list is out for this past May, and it looks that both World of Tanks and Star Wars: The Old Republic...

World of Warcraft and RuneScape dare you to become a beach bunny

What's up with all of the beach studio blogs lately? I guess we know where all of the devs' minds are at now that...

Global Chat: Are fellowship maneuvers due for a comeback?

Lord of the Rings Online hasn't been en vogue in MMO circles recently, but that doesn't mean that the game and its systems are...

Diablo II celebrates its 15th anniversary

You might not have realized, but yesterday was Diablo II's 15th anniversary. Blizzard's hit action-RPG came out on June 29, 2000 and has been...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 20

Justin and Eliot discuss FFXIV's Heavensward expansion, Devilian, WoW's 6.2 patch, Anarchy Online's graphics upgrade, WildStar's fall plans, PlanetSide 2's PS4 launch, and some embargoed goodies.

Trion welcomes action-RPG Devilian into its fold

After a cryptic teaser site posted last week, Trion Worlds is finally ready to make its big announcement: The studio will be publishing Korean...