

Square-Enix FY2022: Revenues decline as company remains ‘aggressive’ on blockchain

We continue with the near-endless march of financial reports out of gaming companies in May, and this one is another biggie, as Square-Enix has...

Little Orbit’s ‘Web 2.5’ platform that lets players sell digital creations is just another blockchain pitch

Last August, Little Orbit, the studio that's known to MMO players as the stewards for APB: Reloaded and Fallen Earth, talked up its blockchain...

Eden Eternal has relaunched with a side order of NFTs and a delay on Steam

It's re-launch day for Eden Eternal, and if you haven't been following along, well sit back because we're about to do a recap, and...
Fandaniel is a bad person, don't be like Fandaniel.

Square-Enix claps hands with a blockchain game platform that ‘hides web3 technology under the hood’

At this point, game publishers and developers are likely wise to the fact that the vast majority of gamers don't want, like, or need...

BitCraft’s next pre-alpha will test the game’s new backend infrastructure

We've had an eye on BitCraft, a procedural-gen MMORPG sandbox, since it first surfaced in 2019 as Clockwork Labs' well-funded new toy. In spite...

CCP Games’ CEO defends Project Awakening’s existence as the studio seeks a blockchain ecosystem dev

Any cryptocurrency-focused video that opens with a gigantic legal disclaimer stating its content shouldn't be taken as legal or financial advice should immediately set...

NCsoft is taking Kakao’s ArcheAge War to court over alleged plagiarism of Lineage 2M

ArcheAge War isn't just a delayed blockchain mess: It's also the subject of a new lawsuit. According to The Korea Times, NCsoft has filed a...

A year after FTC complaint, Roblox will now hide ads for players 13 and under

Last year, the watchdog group Truth in Advertising (TINA) filed a complaint with the FTC over Roblox's "deceptive advertising" reach towards younger players, claiming...
Pure garbage.

New video on Decentraland paints the ‘metaverse’ as the digital version of a dead mall

Hey kids! Do you want to see a dead retail environment? Go to a shopping mall in the United States of America of slightly...
Of course this is the hitch.

Eden Eternal starts pre-registration… and offers players NFTs for participation

If you were looking forward to the relaunch of Eden Eternal under X-LEGEND, we have some bad news for you. It's not exactly the...

Shroud of the Avatar’s update 112 welcomes spring with cabinets and bug fixes

You'd be forgiven for being surprised that the Kickstarted MMORPG Shroud of the Avatar has a new patch out, what with its tiny population...
Look, ma, no colors!

Vague Patch Notes: Can anyone really cover games objectively when there’s suffering built-in to them?

In July of 2021, we started a roundup tag in our tag cloud that most of us probably didn't expect to still be using...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 415: Don’t go into the Lightfall

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO's update 36, Destiny 2's Lightfall, CCP's blockchain game, DDO's promo, Ship of Heroes on Steam, and the return of Alganon, with adventures in LOTRO, New World, WoW Classic, and City of Heroes, plus a pair of mailbag topics on AI tech in MMOs.

Global Chat: Diablo IV is an MMO, change my mind

Besides melting GPUs, ejecting colors into the sun, and being more grim than your unapproving Aunt Kelka, Diablo IV's becoming known for actually being...

XLGames’ NFT MMO ArcheWorld arrives in the Americas April 20 in spite of (or because of) weak start in Asia

XLGames continues to march forward with the global release of ArcheWorld, the NFT and blockchain-linked version of ArcheAge that technically launched for some Asian regions...

Nexon dives further into NFT and blockchain games with MapleStory N and a MapleStory Universe ecosystem

Readers might remember that Nexon's push into crypto has gone as one might expect, with $40M disappearing into the void in 2021 and continued...
You are bad and you should feel bad.

FTC finalizes fine for Fortnite’s dark patterns as Epic talks up NFT ‘games’ on EGS

Usually when people says things are going "pretty well," your first sympathetic instinct is to ask about what might be troubling them; those words...

CCP Games officially unveils plans for a new blockchain game set within the EVE Online universe

For many players, it was probably a matter of when EVE Online developer CCP Games would dip into the blockchain gaming space, not whether,...

Square-Enix is still all-in on its NFT game, Symbiogenesis

Square-Enix has made no bones about its excitement to throw good money after bad on the pyre of NFT and crypto gaming, with its...

After 14 years, Enjin drops guild site building tools in favor of blockchain and NFT tech

It has been a very long time since the name of Enjin crossed our minds. Long-time MMORPG gamers will recognize it as a service...