buy to play

‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

You guys are still here?

Rumor: Destiny 2’s first DLC will take players to Mercury

Destiny 2 isn't out yet, but you can best be assured that the developers are planning far beyond that for the game's major updates....

Battle Bards Episode 104: Something wicked this way comes

And lo, as the Battle Bards walk through the zone of the shadow of death, they will fear no evil, but they will listen to evil’s...
Where now?

Guild Wars 2 hopes to enable elite specs during tomorrow’s Path of Fire open stress test

Didn't get your fill of tinkering with Path of Fire during Guild Wars 2's recent preview weekends? You can have another go at it...
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: The 10 saddest MMORPG stories

Every MMO tells a story through the run of its life. A lot of those stories are pretty happy, too. Ultima Online may not...

Tamriel Infinium: ZeniMax’s Rich Lambert on Elder Scrolls Online content development, past and future

Morrowind was very likely a great boon for The Elder Scrolls Online. Although ZeniMax Online Studios hasn't released any solid numbers, the staff has...
Gosh, I love farming.

Destiny 2 lets players visit a nice farm upstate very briefly tonight

The Destiny 2 beta on PC has thus far allowed you to explore things like "shooting" and "further shooting" and "yet more shooting, how...
Very dynamic.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 133: Gaming Gamescom

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, LOTRO, sunsets for Ghost in the Shell Online and SkySaga, Closers, ArcheAge 4.0, Star Citizen's Gamescom demo, SWTOR, and WoW Argus, with mailbag questions on Marvel Heroes and MMORPGs as a drug, plus a PAX West preview.

Consolers can pick up Elder Scrolls Online’s Horns of the Reach today

It's been a few weeks since PC players have been able to enjoy the fruits of Horns of the Reach in Elder Scrolls Online,...

Guild Wars 2 devs on how mounts bring the ‘joy of movement’ to Path of Fire

If you took part in the first Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire preview weekend, you surely got to play around with the first...

Destiny 2’s PC open beta has arrived

I dunno about you guys, but my guildies were up at literally 4 a.m. talking about buying Destiny 2 and leaping into the beta, which...

Absolver launches with a flurry of kicks, punches, and prospects

"Strange men in masks are not to be trusted." Wise words from the classic film Princess Bride, and advice that we carry with us...

The Daily Grind: What do you actually expect to get out of MMORPG lockboxes?

MMO blogger Bhagpuss has an intriguing multi-angle post out this week criticizing, rightly in my mind, Guild Wars 2's lockboxes, but not the way...

The Stream Team: Guild Wars 2 turns 5!

It took five years, but it's finally happening today: Guild Wars 2's fifth anniversary! Whether or not there are any big in game parties,...

Destiny 2’s PC beta gets off to a rocky start

It's a shaky go for launch. As promised, Destiny 2 kicked off the headstart for its PC beta test today, preceding tomorrow's official start for...
It's HOT uptown.

Guild Wars 2 kicks off a week of mounts and a month of weapons

Are you ready to ride around in style when Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire rolls around? Of course you are; Tyria is filled...

Guild Wars 2 preps PAX West party, sound panel, and video teasers

If you're heading to PAX West in Seattle this weekend, you've got only two opportunities to gather with Guild Wars 2 fans. The first is...

Destiny 2 introduces you to a gallery’s worth of heroes and villains

You know that thing that some inspirational or informative videos do where they throw giant words up on the screen to subtitle every. Single....
More of this story, please.

The Daily Grind: How often do you play non-human MMORPG characters?

This weekend, I was toying around with my fancy Path of Fire-induced new character slot in Guild Wars 2. I have one of every...

One Shots: Alien sunset

I will admit that I've been craving a good space exploration sim lately -- the burn to "explore strange new worlds" is rising inside...

Gamescom 2017: Destiny 2’s European dead zone and Rolling Stone interview

Destiny 2's European dead zone sure sounds festive, right? Well, it looks pretty, anyway. Bungie revealed the open world environ in a new video...