buy to play

‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

PSA: You can get Elder Scrolls Online for under 10 bucks

You have always been the frugal sort. You never buy anything unless it goes on sale, and you never set foot in a store...
Star Citizen

Gamescom 2017: Star Citizen goes in-depth on the alpha 3.0 delay issues

With the high drama and surly community demanding Star Citizen 3.0 already, it's made for a slightly awkward Gamescom appearance for the crew. On the...

Destiny 2 updates companion app, has potential to play at 60 FPS (but won’t)

As you're rearranging your life schedule to get in some serious Destiny 2 game time when the beta starts up next week, don't forget...

Guild Wars 2 has begun doling out anniversary presents; here’s what to expect

ArenaNet is rolling out birthday and anniversary gifts in honor of Guild Wars 2's fifth year of life. In the mail, fifth-year characters will nab...
Crew crew crew

Gamescom 2017: The Crew 2 races to release on March 16, 2018

Start planning the next leg of your cross-country vacation now because Ubisoft announced this week at Gamescom that it will be launching The Crew...

Global Chat: World of Warcraft’s wild frontier

How is World of Warcraft like the wild west of American history and legend? Something about Barrens chat might come to mind, but blog...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 Elite Specialization preview weekend impressions

Over the weekend Guild Wars 2 players had the chance to get to grips with the new Path of Fire elite specializations in a PvP setting,...

Destiny 2’s launch trailer is clucking awesome

"Do you see all that I have done?" The stakes are high for this fall's Destiny 2, with a near-unstoppable villain smashing through the status...

Destiny 2 to include text chat, promises to treat PC players like ‘first-class citizens’

We are one week away from Destiny 2's open beta test on the PC, and computer players might be growing both excited and anxious...

Xbox One X announces ‘select enhanced titles’ that include many online games

At its pre-Gamescom press conference this Sunday, Microsoft revealed more about its upcoming Xbox One X and its glorious 4K gaming capabilities. As part...
But not of-the-year material.

The Daily Grind: Do you expect MMO expansions to include new classes, or is a new spec good enough?

Back when Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire was announced, a number of our commenters sparred over whether or not the game's elite specs...

The MOP Up: Black Desert shows pet love (August 20, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Hugs not drugs

This week's edition of One Shots is brought to you by the National Hugs and Fistbumps Council, which recommends that everyone enjoy at least...

Trove’s subclassing system launches with Eclipse next week

A total solar eclipse isn't a common event -- the continental US hasn't seen one in almost 40 years. So it makes a lot...
Where now?

Guild Wars 2’s second Path of Fire preview weekend is about to begin

Update: It's live! Didn't get a chance to jump into Guild Wars 2 during last weekend's Path of Fire preview weekend? You're getting another chance...

Massively Overthinking: Alone together vs. forced grouping in MMORPGs

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that everyone has at some point seen the xkcd called Isolation, but if not, there...

The Stream Team: Exploring Bloodroot Forge in Elder Scrolls Online’s Horns of the Reach

What is lurking in Bloodroot Forge? Massively OP's MJ just got ESO's latest DLC Horns of the Reach and she is eager to explore...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Impressions of Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire preview weekend experience

I'm delighted to have found a moment to bring you an extra edition of Flameseeker Chronicles that outlines my thoughts on the first Guild Wars...

Global Chat: The MMO blogosphere’s reaction to Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire

It seems like the entire MMO blogosphere wanted to chip in thoughts on the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire announcement, whether or not...
Always the same.

Diablo III is testing item changes and no XP support for its next patch

Look, we realize that you can't really test for abandoning Windows Vista and Windows XP support for Diablo III patch 2.6.1. But that change...