buy to play

‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

The Daily Grind: Is there MMO content you dread repeating on alts?

As a habitual and lifelong altoholic, I am quite used to walking a new generation of characters in the footsteps of their forefathers and foremothers....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 101: Marvelous heroes

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Marvel Heroes, Trove, Elder Scrolls Online, WoW, Wizards of the Coast, and Path of Exile, with mailbag questions on Standing Stone/Daybreak and MOP's allies.

In appreciation for Dereth: The life and times of Asheron’s Call

Imagine a game where magic was actually rare, complicated, and often underwhelming in terms of time vs. efficiency -- a game where players actually...

Flameseeker Chronicles: A guide to Forsaken Thicket, Guild Wars 2’s first raid

I have to apologise to raiders for not finishing my boss guides I began back in 2015: This is one of those articles that...
Throw wide the gates to let us pass once more.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever participated in a protest in an MMORPG?

Protests in the real world dominated this past weekend's news, and while I surfed around for an in-game equivalent to cover, I couldn't find...

The Stream Team: Beginner’s luck in Asheron’s Call

There's still a huge world in Asheron's Call to explore, and Massively OP's MJ hasn't quite made it out of the tutorial yet! Time...

The MOP Up: No Man’s Sky gets shielded (January 22, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
I'll just leave, if I want.

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite MMO magic system?

While there are plenty of similarities among magic systems in MMOs (hey, how about you cast another fireball? There you go, champ!), there is...

The Stream Team: Trying out Asheron’s Call before it’s gone

If you wait too long, sometimes you will miss out, and Massively OP's MJ almost missed out on seeing the world of Asheron's Call....

Chaos Theory: My Secret World 2017 goals

When the year-end Massively Overthinking asked about game resolutions, I honestly answered that I don't really make any because I hadn't ever done that...
My life is not fun.

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the most unclear futures in 2017

A little while back, I took a look at the healthiest games in the MMO space at this time. That was a nice, uplifting...
Our house, in the middle of our street.

Elder Scrolls Online launches Homestead housing on February 6th

Ready to move into a swanky new house or just a barely furnished hovel in The Elder Scrolls Online? You won't have to wait...

Global Chat: Elder Scrolls Online renaissance

As I peruse a hundred or so community blog posts every day, it's fascinating to me to see what games the MMO blogosphere as...

The Daily Grind: Are contemporary settings underutilized in MMOs?

We all know that fantasy is by far the most popular setting for MMORPGs -- but what is the least? While not completely unrepresented...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 100: The nesting instinct in Elder Scrolls Online

Justin and Larry discuss Elder Scrolls Online housing, ARK, The Repopulation, the Switch, Nostalrius, HeroWarz, Pathfinder, and Star Trek Online.

Guild Wars 2 has kicked off the Lunar New Year, hope you like roosters

The world is gearing up for Chinese New Year, which is technically January 28th, but that means the party is just getting started --...

Throne of Lies creates a castle of backstabbing, deceit, and shaky alliances

Remember playing Werewolf or Mafia with your friends at parties, trying to deduce the killer while avoiding being killed yourself? The makers of Throne...

The MOP Up: Black Desert loyalty rewards (January 15, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Tabula Rasa’s 21-gun salute

Ralph the Wonder Llama kicks off today's community screenshot gallery with a salute to the late, great Tabula Rasa. "Yes, Tabula Rasa ended up being...

Line of Defense solidifies engine switch, B2P business model

Derek Smart's Line of Defense is expecting a new public build later this month, this one focused on the next phase of defense mechanics...