caravan stories

Official Site: Caravan Stories

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Battle Bards Episode 231: Caravan Stories Part 2

Returning to the fertile soundtrack of Caravan Stories, Syl and Syp are rejoined by Steff to give us a fresh take! It’s another journey...

Battle Bards Episode 229: Caravan Stories Part 1

Come along for a trundling trip through the countryside with Caravan Stories, a 2017-era MMO that charmed Syl so much that she demanded they...

Caravan Stories prepares for the Lunar New Year with the Clash at the Gold and Silver Lotus

If you've been following our personal Twitter accounts, you'll notice that Bread Girl has once again come to our minds, which means that we're...

The Soapbox: Stubborn MMO players are sleeping on autoplay mechanics

Autoplay, huh. What is it good for? Absolutely something! I'll say it again: There is value in autoplay. It's got such a bad reputation...

Caravan Stories holds a Tribal War and a Spring Lily Festival as its playerbase steadily grows

We haven't had a peek at Caravan Stories in a while, and while our first impressions weren't glowing, we also find ourselves missing Bread...

MassivelyOP’s 2019 Golden Yachties: MMO mascot of the year

MassivelyOP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our pick for MMO mascot of the year. If you're wondering what the heck a Golden Yachtie...

Hypercute mobile MMO Lumia Saga begins global iOS and Android pre-registration

Chinese studio Century Game claims its new MMO is "the cutest MMORPG you'll ever play," and those are fighting words in a world with...

Miniature Desert Oasis: Hands-on with the upcoming Black Desert Mobile

Five years ago, if you'd asked me about any mobile game, I wouldn't have even considered it a real game. I'd have considered it...

First impressions of Caravan Stories: More a gacha game than an MMORPG

When I was in college, my algebra professor once told me to curb my enthusiasm because inevitably, some thing or other will disappoint me....

The MOP Up: League of Legends’ future looks bright

Don't let games like Fortnite and Overwatch make you forget that League of Legends is still a thing. In fact, Riot Games' MOBA saw...
It's a real laugh.

Betawatch: Chronicles of Elyria shows off its pre-alpha gameplay

It's easy to be a bit on the cynical side with Chronicles of Elyria as the game continues to... well, not be a game, but...

Japanese MMORPG Caravan Stories officially launches in North America today on PlayStation 4

It's a good day to be a PS4 owner, folks: Bread girl is about to become a reality in North America as Caravan Stories,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 236: Guild Wars 2’s dragons and Vikings

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW Classic, ArcheAge Unchained, PlanetSide Arena, Peria Chronicles, SWTOR, Conan Chop Chop, Last Oasis, Caravan Stories, and Champions Online, with a mailbag question on improving boring MMO tasks.

The Daily Grind: What’s the vibe that you want your MMO character to exude?

Have you hugged your bread lately? No, that's not today's Daily Grind question, it's just the natural follow-up to witnessing the above picture from...

Betawatch: Peria Chronicles is gone, WoW Classic has launched

I feel so alone, Peria Chronicle's gone, its release has cut and run; Why should I be so blue? Well, what else can I do? Its...
Tell me.

Caravan Stories will now launch on September 10th for PS4

After a somewhat unsettling delay for the game's open beta, Caravan Stories is once again scheduled for release, this time on September 10th. The title...

Betawatch: Astellia Online plans for launch next month

Ah, the release of Astellia approaches, and it makes me just the slightest bit sad. Here was a game that had clear dates and...

Caravan Stories unleashes new pics and vids on mechanics as open beta delay continues

When last we heard from the Caravan Stories team, the open beta originally planned for July 23rd had to be pushed back indefinitely. After...
Dang it.

Betawatch: Caravan Stories hits the brakes on open beta

We're sorry to anyone who was eagerly anticipating the launch of Caravan Stories before the end of the month because it looks like that's...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 229: Adventures in Albion Online

Justin, Samon, and Bree discuss Daybreak, the new LOTR MMO Amazon is co-developing, EVE Online's comms blackout, Caravan Stories, and City of Heroes, with a sponsored segment on Albion Online's Percival update.