
Borderland, feel like I'm going to lose my mand

Borderlands Online preps for another closed beta test

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time for your daily installment of Things You're Never Going To Have! Probably not, anyway. Borderlands Online...

One Shots: Blinded with science

Skyforge is becoming a hot property for bored summer gamers looking for something new to explore. Reader Tyler reports in from the recent closed...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: July 11, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Derek Smart reminded everyone that he exists. Not that he's crowdfunding an MMO or anything, but he did...

Skyforge’s producer welcomes players to early access

Skyforge's Live Producer Aaron Biedma took the time today to welcome players to the game's early access week, noting the passion that fans have...

Behind the scenes: The sights and sounds of World of Warships’ vessels

Immersion. That's not a word you often hear associated with lobby-based PvP games. But in the case of World of Warships, the third title...

Skyforge scoots in one last pre-open beta stress test

If July 16th is just too dang long to wait for more Skyforge, then at least you now have a little something to tide...

World of Warships’ open beta launches today

Let the naval battles commence: World of Warships soft launches today! Above and beyond throwing open the beta doors to one and all, the game...

Civilization Online gets new trailers, still isn’t playable in the West

Hey guys, here's another post about Civilization Online, because we know how much you love reading about stuff you can't play! Just kidding. Sort of....

The Stream Team: More Skyforge closed beta adventures

Things have definitely been running more smoothly for MassivelyOP's MJ in Skyforge's latest closed beta test. Sure, she had to start over, but the...

WildStar begins Chinese beta this August

As WildStar is preparing to make the grand transition to free-to-play in the west this summer, it's simultaneously making in-roads into Asia with an...

Wargaming attempts to resolve World of Warships’ Humble Bundle debacle

Let us tell you a story. The story begins with the recent E3 Humble Bundle, through which Wargaming handed out not only access to World...

Tree of Savior gets a huge English FAQ

Got a lot of questions about Tree of Savior? We bet you do, you curious kitten you. Well now it's time to get them...

Skyforge implores you to win back the Eskenian Peninsula

Even as Skyforge winds down its final closed beta test, Allods Team still has more of the game to show off to fans. Today's dev...

E3 2015: WildStar is adding much more than F2P this fall

The fact that WildStar is transitioning to a free-to-play model this fall is old news now. Folks have been hashing out their opinions on...

Civ Online’s final closed beta test starts July 14

XLGAMES has announced that Civilization Online will enter its final closed beta phase on July 14th in South Korea. There's a new trailer floating...

Win a Skyforge CBT4 key from Massively OP and Allods Team (All gone now!)

Skyforge's fourth and final closed beta test begins today, bringing with it two advanced classes, a difficulty toggle, a group finder, and customizable guilds, plus...
Like we always do it this time.

Skyforge will finalize open beta after this week’s test

Skyforge has entered its final beta test, which means that open beta and soft launch is just around the corner. If you've been watching...

The Stream Team: Forging ahead in Skyforge’s CBT4 and giving away keys

What? Massively OP's MJ has more Skyforge beta keys to give away? Yes she does! And now that the fourth closed beta test has...

Skyforge hits final closed beta test running

The twilight of Skyforge's closed beta program is upon us while the dawn of its open beta is just around the corner. The sci-fi...

E3 2015: Blade & Soul’s ‘full-access F2P’ model and hands-on

Long before NCsoft officially announced that Blade & Soul was heading west, fans were eager for the chance to get their hands on the game...