See: CCP Games
EVE Online sheds some light on… texture lighting
Players spend a lot of time staring at the hulls of their EVE Online ships, so it makes sense to make those ships as...
Albion Online’s newest dev answers community queries, snaps at EVE trolls
Albion Online is surely milking its acquisition of Game Designer Matt Woodward for all its worth. After Albion heralded his arrival with a level...
CCP Games buys back $20m in bonds, drops Legion trademark
News is circulating in the EVE Online blogs and forum that developer CCP Games has just bought back $20 million in publicly traded bonds....
EVE Evolved: Building your own empire
When CCP announced its far-reaching plans to overhaul EVE Online's territorial warfare gameplay, players were cautiously optimistic but understandably guarded. EVE's old sovereignty system...
Massively Opinionated: EVE vs SWTOR vs The Plunderbund
In this episode, Larry, Cosmic Engine, Brendan, and Redna debate MMORPG community platforms, guilds, and building strong communities.
EVE Online’s Matt Woodward defects to Albion Online
EVE Online is less one developer today and Albion Online is richer by one, as Matt Woodward has jumped ship to work on the...
Jukebox Heroes: How Elite: Dangerous’ music put me into a mild coma
You know what gets me righteously angry? I shall tell you. I shall tell you, and then you shall share in my anger, you...
CCP extends EVE PLEX drive for latest Nepal quake
Nepal can't seem to catch a break, as a second major earthquake has devastated the region two weeks after a quake killed over 8,000...
Massively Overthinking: The return of ‘consequences’ to MMOs
This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from Kickstarter donor Antonia "Toni" Phillips aka ToniLyran, who's hit on a sore point with our writers, it...
New EVE dev blog details nullsec and sov changes
If you've got an interest in EVE Online's upcoming changes to nullsec and sovereignty mechanics, and you've got a lot of time, you'll probably...
Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs still going after ten years
It struck me, very recently, that a decade is a long time for MMOs.
If we're going to count Ultima Online as the first proper...
EVE Online previews 12th anniversary presents for players
Did you know that tomorrow is EVE Online's 12th anniversary? It's pretty old! And as is the tradition these days, the developers are celebrating...
EVE Online’s PLEX is helping Nepal victims
Have you donated to disaster relief efforts in Nepal yet? If not, and if you're an EVE Online player, you can do so via...
EVE Evolved: Seven years of EVE Evolved
When I started writing about EVE Online for Massively back in 2008, the MMO genre was really hitting its stride, and emerging sites like...
EVE’s Mosaic update is now live
CCP has successfully upgraded EVE Online with today's Mosaic patch. The new Opportunities tutorial system is now available for all newbs, and the patch...
DUST 514 adds EVE Online-themed armor skins
It's no small understatement to say that DUST 514 has failed to achieve the same following and numbers that its big sibling, EVE Online,...
EVE Online is scrapping its old tutorial on April 28
Say your goodbyes to EVE Online's current tutorial, because it's being completely removed from the game on April 28th in favor of a new system...
CCP shines a spotlight on EVE Updates
Today's EVE Online website update is about, well EVE Updates. It's basically a new section of the EVE site devoted to what's coming next...
Global Chat: Are WoW Tokens worth it?
The debut of World of Warcraft Tokens into the game's economy has caused quite a stir, particularly after the prices plunged during the first...
CCP would like you to buy some EVE ship SKINS in its cash shop
CCP is ramping up the focus on its cash shop thanks to a new dev blog examining EVE Online's ship SKIN system. Ship skins are...