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Astroneer brings back Project C.H.E.E.R. for Christmas, promises new roadmap in 2024

It's been a weird year for Astroneer, but the latest update to the game contains some good news for the studio and the game's...

Palia’s Winterlights festival – the first part of it, anyway – is live alongside new Asia-Pacific servers

As promised, yesterday's Palia update launched Christmas for players in the cozy sandbox pseudo-MMO. "You are just in time for the special Winterlights celebration taking...

Star Wars Galaxies’ SWGEmu kicks off classic Wookiee Life Day for the holiday season

The nice thing about the Star Wars Galaxies rogue server community is that there's a server out there with nearly every era of the...

Ultima Online preps Christmas and nerfs your old too-long character names

How angry would you be if you logged into your favorite old MMORPG account and found that your name, which you'd used for over...

Sea of Thieves talks Safer Seas launch date, holiday login goodies, and player cheese in latest video digest

The regular video newsletters out of Sea of Thieves have yet another addition, and like usual it gathers together some of the upcoming affairs...

Dungeons and Dragons Online cranks out two updates, Festivault, and a hardcore server in seven days

Dungeons and Dragons Online is trying to break some kind of MMO record for cramming the most amount of stuff in a seven-day period....
Now is the winter of our WHAT ARE YOU DOING.

EVE Online’s winter holiday events return next week with ‘glamorous gifts, games, and glory’

You might not look to the likes of EVE Online for your dose of Christmas spirit, but CCP Games would like to change that...

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis’ December 6 update focuses on powering up characters faster

If you've felt daunted by the prospect of climbing the character and item levels needed to get to some of the juicy new stuff...

RuneScape kicks off the Christmas season with a new yuletide village

You know those people who are already decorating for Christmas even as there is leftover turkey from Thanksgiving sitting on the counter? That's totally...
Are we shut down yet?

Shroud of the Avatar prepares to celebrate 10 years of monthly updates in December

It's been almost 10 years since Shroud of the Avatar started making monthly updates - since December 2013 by Catnip Games' reckoning, which is...

World of Tanks adds random events mode, enlists actor Vinnie Jones for holiday events

What do the Christmas season and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels star Vinnie Jones have in common? They're coming together in War Thunder...
The horror

RuneScape previews its Christmas Village with a new black party hat

Do you want to experience the winter holiday in RuneScape? The developers are certainly hoping you do, or even if you don't that you...

RuneScape adds a new boss fight November 20, Old School RuneScape confirms Leagues IV for November 15

I'm now convinced that dragons are made of cat software installed into reptilian hardware; they would much rather sleep for long periods of time,...
Winter in space, Friday in California

EVE Online releases an updated launcher this week, confirms Winter Nexus holiday for December 5

The holidays are coming to EVE Online, but instead of bringing Santa-faced carbonated belch syrup, they're offering up the annual Winter Nexus event on...

The Game Archaeologist: Firefall, an MMO tragedy about more than just a bus

Back when I first started writing for Massively and was energetic enough to go on trips to trade shows, I hit up a PAX...

The Daily Grind: Do you use your MMO Halloween costumes and decor after October?

One thing about Halloween in MMORPGs -- you can easily fill up your virtual pillowcase with a pile of costumes, consumables, housing decoration, and...

Not So Massively: Diablo IV’s disastrous 1.1.0 patch – and Blizzard’s mea culpa

Diablo IV's last week has just been the drama gift that keeps on giving, and since Blizzard's latest toy is my favorite game right...

Fractured and Gamigo finally confirm their split as Dynamight says it’s reclaimed ‘the rights of Fractured Online’

Until yesterday, Fractured Online's website hadn't had a single update since before Christmas, when the game basically imploded in a blast of publisher shenanigans...

The Daily Grind: Which ‘holiday’ deserves more MMORPG events?

My friends, today is March 14th, aka 3/14, aka π day, aka pi day, aka pie day, and as such, it provides the perfect...

The Stream Team: Wandering Neverwinter’s Winter Festival of Simril

While Massively OP's MJ hasn't been doing The Winter Festival of Simril in Neverwinter daily this year, she still plans to enjoying the season...