city of titans

Official Site: City of Titans
Studio: Missing Worlds Media
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Superhero Themepark
Business Model: N/A
Platform: PC

City of Titans is using government science to build its maps

The upcoming superhero MMO City of Titans has ambitious plans to build up to 40 districts for the game. But how will it create...

City of Titans demos its costume-making process

Every superhero worth her or his salt knows that it's the costume that makes the hero. Well, that and a heapload of mutant powers,...

City of Titans development finally ‘on track’

"The shadow of doubt has passed, and the state of the game is strong," City of Titans President Nathaniel Downes trumpets in his newest...

City of Titans demos its first costume and combat prototypes

It's been a little quiet on the City of Titans development front for a while, but when you see the game's most recent video, you'll understand...

The Soapbox: Making your own fun in MMORPGs

This guest Soapbox was commissioned through Massively Overpowered's Kickstarter campaign and is authored by Chris "Warcabbit" Hare, a developer at Missing Worlds Media. The opinions here...

Ask Mo: Jobs in the MMO industry, jobs in MMOs

Today, we're reintroducing our general MMO advice column, here named Ask Mo: the column where you ask Mo questions, and he... lets me answer them for...

Douglas Firs cripple City of Titans’ framerate

File this under "amusing development moments:" The City of Titans team was struggling with low framerate performance for its pre-alpha test map, and only...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: February 28, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Crowfall basically blotted out the sun. The "throne war simulator" surpassed its $800,000 goal in a couple of...

Betawatch: February 27, 2015

Skyforge announced its upcoming closed beta schedule this week; expect the first round to begin on March 11th. You can ensure a spot in the...

City of Titans shows old test environment before scrapping it

New games don't spring into being overnight; they take lots of work and incremental steps to a finished product. That goes double for a...

Make My MMO: February 21, 2015

Welcome back to Make My MMO, a recurring column from Massively-that-was which covers crowdsourced MMOs of both the fully funded and the not-so-much variety....

The Soapbox: The crowdfunding conundrum

As I type this, Massively Overpowered's Kickstarter campaign sits comfortably at $54,323. We hit our initial $50k funding goal in roughly 48 hours. We're...